Let's Go Home (Jack's POV)

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**Well, I think I've finally plateaued. You know how I've been updating like nonstop within the past three or four days? Yeah, I think that's done. I'm obviously going to keep updating, but it's probably not going to be as frequent as before. And I also apologize if these next chapters kind of suck...**

"Well, are you all ready to go?" I asked Emily, who was slipping her sweatshirt on.

"Yeah, I think so," she smiled at me. 

"Good. I'm ready to get out of here too," I smirked.

"Whatever," she laughed.

I grabbed her bag, then we walked out of the room. Ever since a couple nights ago after Pete talked to her, she's been all around happier, which makes me happy. I think she's finally realized that she has to accept what happened, and it's best to not dwell on it. I'm glad she's happy, though, because she's smiling so much more, she's laughing, and she's not wanting to be alone anymore. Of course I wish none of this had happened, but in a way, I guess you could say this has all made us stronger. It's brought us together, and its made me realize how important it is to just sit down and talk about things. 

I led Emily outside and to our vehicle. I helped her get in - she still had a little bit of cramping, so she was sore - then I threw her bag in the back and hopped into the drivers seat. As I pulled out of the parking lot, I took her hand in mine, then continued driving home. We got home no longer than ten minutes later, then I literally scooped Emily up in my arms and carried her inside. She was laughing the whole time, which made me smile. I brought her into the living room, then gently set her down on the couch. I smiled as I sat down beside her, then she pulled me into her arms.

"You know," she said. "I love you. A lot."

"I love you too," I said, wrapping my arms around her. 

"Good, because you're stuck with me," she smiled.

"I don't mind," I smiled back, then stood up and grabbed her hand. "and, as long as you're feeling better, I have an idea."

"Oh, what might that be?" she asked.

"How about," I started, spinning her into my arms. "we go on a date night?"

"Tonight?" she asked.

"As long as you're feeling up for it," I said. "I wanted to do something to get your mind off of everything that's been happening."

"Baby, I'd love to," she smiled, hugging me tightly.

"Good, then go get ready," I said.

"Already?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. "Go upstairs, put on a cute little dress, some shoes, then come back down here."

"Alright," she laughed, then walked up the stairs. 

I smiled as she walked up the stairs, then I walked down the hallway and into the laundry room. I opened the closet door and grabbed my light blue dress shirt, my black skinny jeans, then my black dress shoes. I quickly walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I stripped, then put on my dress clothes. I quickly fixed my hair, then put on some cologne. I took one last look in the mirror and decided I looked pretty good, so I cleaned up, then went and sat in the living room to wait for Emily.

After waiting a few more minutes, I heard Emily come down the stairs, so I stood up and turned around. She nearly took my breath away. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her dress was a sea foam green, it had a lacy, flower pattern top, then a little silver belt. The bottom of the dress just flowed from the belt. She had silver heels on to match the belt, then had a few silver bracelets on. And I don't know how she did it, but she put her hair up in a bow. She literally made her hair into the shape of a bow. She just looked insanely beautiful. I was speechless.

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