I Wanna Get Better (Jack's POV)

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"Babe, I still can't get over how perfect these two babies are," I said, smiling down at our little girl who was finally in my arms. "We did something right, and you definitely did amazing."

"They're adorable," Emily smiled at me, still holding our little boy's hand in hers. 

"We should probably fill out that paperwork, huh?" I suggested.

"Good idea," Emily chuckled. 

I gently repositioned our baby girl in my arms, then grabbed the paperwork from the table. I sat back on the bed by Emily, then brought my knees up a little so I could rest the clipboard on them, so I was still able to write while I held our little girl. 

"Okay," I said. "Names."

"That's is so hard to come up with. I don't know if we can handle that right now," Emily smirked.

"You just had twins and yet you're still a smartass," I smirked back, leaning over and kissing her gently. 

"I try," she chuckled. "No, but the girl is Ohana Marie, then of course our little boy here is Patrick Lewis."

"And Lewis is spelled L-e-w-i-s, right?" I asked.

"Yes, babe," she said.

"Okay, our little boy was born at 3:10 pm on August eighth two thousand and fourteen," I said. 

"And our little girl was born at 3:01 pm on August eight, two thousand and fourteen," Emily smiled. 

"And Patrick weighed six pounds, three ounces," I said. "and our little girl weighed seven pounds, two ounces."

"They're perfect," Emily said. 

"Ohana was nineteen inches long, and Patrick was seventeen inches long," I said. "There, paperwork is done."

"Good," Emily smiled, resting her head on my shoulder when I laid back down by her. "Are you ready to be a daddy?"

"I am," I smiled, kissing her head. "Are you ready to be a mommy?"

"Yeah, I think I am," she breathed as she smiled. 

"Good, because you'll be the best mommy ever," I said.

"And you'll be the best daddy," she said, looking up at me and smiling. "I wonder how Pete and Patrick are doing."

"I'm not sure," I said. "I could go check on them?"

"Sure, would you?" she asked. 

"Of course, babe," I said, getting up off the bed and trying not to disturb Patrick, who was sleeping in Em's arms. 

I walked towards the door, opening it quietly, being sure to also not disturb Ohana, who was still in my arms. I started down the hall, then made it to Pete and Patrick's room. I got a few 'awws' from nurses walking down the hallway past me, which made me smile. I quietly knocked on the door, then was told to come in.

"How's everything going in here?" I asked, noticing that Joe, Andy, Jaim, and Ethan had showed up. 

"Wait a minute," Jaimee said, getting up and walking towards me, then looking at the baby in my arms.

"I think I know where you're going with this," Andy said. "Did you and Em have your babies too?"

"Yup," I smiled at Ohana in my arms.

"So many babies," Joe said.

"Tell me about it," I laughed. 

"Well, let me see one of our grandchildren!" Patrick said.

I smiled and walked over to Patrick's bed, then sat down. Patrick looked at her, then smiled, looking a little teary eyed. Pete was smiling too. I would imagine it feels good for them to be parents again, but grandparents in the same day? They've got to be so happy. 

"What's her name?" Pete asked. 

"Ohana Marie," I smiled.

"Doesn't that mean family?" Jaimee asked.

"Yup," I said. 

"Dude, that is adorable," Joe said, making us laugh. 

"What's your little boy's name?" Pete asked.

"Well, Em and I thought about that one, and we decided that it'd only be fitting if," I paused, smiling at Pete and Patrick. "that we name him after you two."

"J-Jack," Patrick said. "Are you serious?"

"Yup. Our little boy's name is Patrick Lewis," I said. 

"Oh my god," Andy said. 

"You guys, that is amazing," Joe said.

"Jack, I-I don't know what to say," Pete said. 

"Me either," Patrick said. 

"Don't say anything. We love you guys and you've definitely helped us through some stuff, so you guys deserve it," I said.

"Come here, you weirdo," Patrick said, half hugging me because of the babies in each of our arms. 

We all sat in there and talked for a little while longer, then I said that I should probably get back to Emily. Jaimee asked if she could come with and see Em and the other baby, and of course I said yes. We walked out of Pete and Patrick's room and back to mine and Emily's. When Jaimee and I walked in, Emily's face lit up. Jaimee went over and hugged her, then Emily allowed Jaimee to hold Patrick. Jaimee started saying how cool it was that we named the baby after Pete and Patrick. Emily agreed, then she smiled at me. 

After a while, Jaimee was holding Ohana while I held Patrick. Emily had dozed off, which didn't surprise me. She needed her rest, definitely. Jaimee and I sat in the chairs and held the babies in our arms until they fell asleep. I looked over at Jaimee and she smiled. 

"Guess you're finally an aunt," I chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess I am," Jaimee smiled back at me, then back at Ohana. "It feels good."

"Feels good to finally be a daddy," I said. "I was so scared before, but once I saw the twins for the first time, that all just seemed to fade away. I couldn't be happier."

"Em's lucky she'd got someone as good as you," Jaimee said. "Don't mess that up."

"I don't plan to," I chuckled. 

"Good," Jaimee said. 

"So, how are you and Nick doing?" I asked.

"Good," she smiled. "I love him a lot."

"Good," I said. "You two are one of the cutest couples I've seen."

"We try," Jaimee joked. "Well, this has been a fun-filled day."

"I'll say," I said. "But, at least three little bundles of joy came out of it."

okay this was like really bad okay but um yeah

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