『a lethal ideal

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A/N: First update of the year! Let's make it epic c:

But first I want to thank those still reading: new and old readers. Thank you! I've had a rocky 2019 and you guys never heard the end of my busy life in these updates. No matter how many apologies I give, you guys keep returning and that means absolutely everything to me. Thank you so very much! You guys deserve so much and I pray for all of you to be happy this year! <3



"I don't know why you keep tailing me. An unwilling participant is far less effective than you would think!" you exclaim as you back away from the menacing group. The stinging pain on your cheek breathes more fear into your system, your heart racing a mile a minute. 

None of them speak to counter your statement. You can see in their eyes the unfiltered malintent towards. Questions of what they will do to you fill your mind. Min Hua moves first and with a solid water hand she reaches out to grab hold of your shoulder. You dodge, only allowing her to nip your shoulder. 

Wincing at the pain you roll in the snow and back onto your feet. You take another step to the side but her other hand slams you onto the ground. The snow softens the blow but it's enough to keep you down. 

"L-Let me go!" you shout as she walks over to you. When your eyes lock with hers, she puts her foot on top of your mouth to silence you. It feels as if she wants to crush your skull from how much forces she uses to keep you silent.

"You're right... We don't need to explain anything to you," Xai Bau responds. "It's clear you're too conformed to explore ideas outside of what you've read."

Even though you want nothing to do with the group, you can hear his intention to get rid of you. You try to talk your way out of it but it comes out as a muffled gaggle of words. Xai Bau waves his hand around for Min Hua to take her foot off your face.

When she does, you greedily drink in the brisk air. You gasp in as much oxygen as you can to speak; however, the words you utter next are not ones you are proud of at all. "I am capable of growth!"

Xai Bau raises his eyebrow. "I don't believe that. You act entitled because of your intelligence. There is no room for growth."

"I CAN GROW!" you yell at the top of your lungs.

"Shut up," Min Hua grunts as she kicks your stomach, causing you to yelp in pain.

You hold onto your abdomen as you squirm around to fight the throbbing pain, but you push through and continue to try to prove your worth to them. "I can... grow... I can grow."

Xai Bau studies you carefully and ponders on whether your words are a farce. "You are too attached to learning this world to fully comprehend what's at stake."

"This is our world though," you counter.

He chuckles and walks closer to your body. From the corner of your eye, you see the two other people who captured you last time. Sock lady and seedy guy. You're too outnumbered to anger them with your stubbornness. 

"This isn't our world. We and the Spirit World were divided by the Avatar and we must return to its original state," he explains. "Long have we been under the Avatar's blind guidance, under the guidance of world leaders who know nothing."

"W-Why does it matter? There no longer is a connection with us and the spirits. Only the Avatar has that connection," you try to reason with him. 

"Ah, see, I knew you read something about the Spirit World," he smirks. 

"Master, she isn't worth our time," the seedy man speaks out from afar. "We can't have her so neither should the others. That's what we decided on."

Xai Bau contemplates on your life and your body trembles. You try to find ways to escape this madness, wondering how it is you found yourself alone at this very moment. But then you remember how your heart bleeds due to Iroh's negligence. Tears line your eyes and threaten to fall.

"What makes you say you can't have my mind?" your voice shakes. You don't want to give in but you're too scared to hold onto your ideals.

The smile on Xai Bau's face grows. "Because the only way to serve us is to sever your infatuation with the Avatar."

Your eyes widen as you realize what they are truly after. Xai Bau can sense your correct deduction and your unwillingness to comply. Your heart and your soul cannot aid them in what they so desperately wish for and that means the end for you.

They can't have a witness. They can't have you aiding the Avatar either. 

And that means you must disappear.

Min Hua understands this and her right-hand forms into a giant scythe. The night sky dazzles behind her and it's all you can see. Tears slide down your face and into the snowy ground as the silence consumes your senses. 

But somewhere deep inside you, you refuse to give in... not without a fight.

You grit your teeth and kick at Min Hua's feet. When your heel connects with her knee, you land a solid blow and she stumbles back at the force. You roll your body away from Xai Bau to create some distance but the man quickly follows.

His hand reaches out for you and your body can't roll away fast enough to escape it. The moment his fingers grab slight hold of your shirt, a boomerang soars in and cuts the distance between you two, staggering the man back to avoid it.

You continue rolling your body away in the direction of the boomerang's return, knowing you'll be safe with the owner. Once your body connects with Sokka's feet, relief washes over your system. You glance up to smile at the man but then an interesting pair of eyes capture your attention. White-washed optics glance down at you and you wonder if you're hallucinating.

"... Aren't you Toph?"

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