Chapter 25

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Your POV

I was awoken by a sudden thud.

I opened my eyes and suddenly heard shouts but I can't make it out since I just woke up.

I squinted my eyes as I yawned and stretched my arms and legs at my other side, also tilting my body to that direction.

My nose then suddenly bumped something. I then shot my eyes open.

My eyes widened and I screamed. "AHHHHH!!!!!".

"Good morning (Y/n)!". Taehyung greeted as he gave me a boxed smile. Our nose are still touching though.

I then sat up, avoiding the sudden contact. "THE HECK WHY ARE YOU---".

"Oh (Y/n)! You're awake!". I saw Namjoon stand up from the bottom of my bed.

"H-HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!". I asked Namjoon.

He then laughed at my reaction. "I was playing on my phone".


"(Y/n)!!! GOOD MORNING!!!". I was then greeted by Jungkook and Hoseok who are lifting a half-asleep Yoongi by their shoulders.

I was about to speak again but I was cutted off by Seokjin.

"(Y/n)! Breakfast is readyyy!!". Seokjin entered the room with a wooden spoon and apron.

I then became irritated and shouted. "You.. YOU GUYS STOP I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!". I grabbed my alarm clock and started to threaten them by hitting them with it.



Clinks of the spoons and forks against the plate is heard around the kitchen.

I just continued to glare at the overactively sobbing boys.

"(Y/n)... you just didn't do that". Taehyung sobbed more.

"You're so strong. Whyyy". Jungkook complained. "Hyung.. someone is stronger than me".

"Shut up! At least you're not the ones who is hit with the fucking alarm clock!". Yoongi hissed at Jungkook as he pressed the ice bag more harder in the head. "I can't even eat properly, thanks to (Y/n)!". Yoongi shot me a glare. "And why are you guys sobbing?? I'm the only one who is hitted by that shit!".

That caused me to twitch and give him an awkward smile. And mouthed to him, 'Sorry but I'm still mad at you though'. Yoongi then started to lift his hand up---

"Geez, hyung. Are you just gonna lift your middle finger up to (Y/n)???". Hoseok said to Yoongi as he stopped Yoongi's hand from lifting up.

"The fuck no! I was just about to touch my fork, stupid!". Yoongi gave Hoseok a deadly stare and proceeded on reaching for his fork. Hoseok just sweat-dropped.

"Now now guys, let's not fight". Seokjin started to speak up.

"Yeah right. Calm down guys". Namjoon then said.

I then stopped eating and shot my head up and pointed at all of them. "Anyways, YOU GUYS! HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!".

All of them chuckled even Yoongi.

"Can't you remember? You're in your new apartment right now". Namjoon laughed.

I then rolled my eyes. "I know. I'm not stupid". I then laughed at Namjoon who is now getting teased by the others saying I 'burned' him. "I mean, how the hell did you all get here?! I'm holding the key!".

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