Chapter 14

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Your POV

It's been three days since Jimin locked himself in his room.

Until now, he's still not coming out.

Me and the other boys are worried over Jimin. He didn't even want to eat. Seokjin is trying to convince him to eat but Jimin just kept blackmailing him that if Seokjin won't stop, he will kill himself.

All of us are trying to force and convince Jimin to come out in his room but, it's no use.

This time, Seokjin is carrying a tray of food towards Jimin's room.

Me and the others tailed behind him.

"I swear to god, hyung. If Jimin-hyung is not going to eat again, I'll kick the door". Jungkook said.

"Hey chill. Jimin's sick..". Taehyung calmed Jungkook down. "And--- IF HE WON'T EAT I SWEAR!!".

"Calm down, guys". I said to them.

"Yeah. (Y/n)'s right,". Namjoon spoke up.

"We all know that what Jimin's doing now is bad but it's for his own good. We can't force him". Hoseok added.

"Then, if he doesn't want to eat; let's just leave him be". Yoongi joined.

"But he needs to eat". I defended. "It's also for his own good too..".

"(Y/n)'s right too". Seokjin sighed. "We need to be there for Jimin always and now is the time that he needs all of us to support him".

I faintly smiled.

These boys are really a great family..

All of us nodded.

We walked upstairs and headed to Jimin's door.

All of us are somewhat nervous.

Seokjin gave me a signal to knock on Jimin's door, so I knocked.

After I knocked, Seokjin started to speak. "Jimin? It's time to eat~".

"Seriously, hyung. You sound like a rapist". Yoongi said straight.

"HAHAHAHA RAPIST!". Hoseok laughed.

Seokjin just replied Yoongi with a rolling eyes and a 'tsk'.

I then focused on Jimin more. I knocked again.

Please Jimin..

"Jimin?". This time, it's me who spoke. "You need to eat.. please..?".

There's still no response.

"Jimin??". I knocked again.

Jimin's POV


I know whose voice is that.

It's (Y/n)'s.

Oh how sweet and calming her voice was.

I think I should come out, it's been three days.

And I'm hungry also.

But, wait---

"Please?..". It's (Y/n) again.

I want to see her but, my trauma is just.. I can't see her.


"Ah shit!". I hissed to myself as I gripped my head with both of my hands.

I'm still in my pajamas and I was curled down on the floor.

WITH YOU [Jimin x Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora