Chapter 12

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Your POV

I can't believe that I'm actually going out with Jimin today.

What I mean 'going out' is.. we just go out as friends.

We both got dressed up and exited the boys' house as we bid goodbyes to the others.

Jimin then waved for a taxi.

The ride didn't took long and now we are in front of an arcade at the side of the street.

"I have enough money for us to play though". Jimin said. I looked up to him and saw him smiling.

Why is my heart beating so fast?..


I just nodded and followed behind him.

We both stopped at the toy claw.

"I'll get that for you". Jimin said as he pointed at a head of a stuffed dog with a yellow hoodie while sticking its tongue out.

Jimin then inserted a coin at the machine and started to play.

At the first time he failed.

"AISHHH!! JINJJA?!". Jimin exclaimed.

I just giggled at his behavior.

But on the second try, he succeeded.

Jimin got the stuffed toy and gave it to me.

"Thank you!". I said to him as I squeled at the cuteness of the stuffed toy.

"No problem!". Jimin gave me his eye smile.

I then thought of something.

"Let's name him 'Chimmy' ". I blurted out.

Jimin almost choked on his breath. "E-Excuse me?? 'Chimmy' ??". He then laughed. "It sounded similar to my name though. Haha!".

"Yeah it does!". I said and hugged 'Chimmy'. "It kind of remind me of you".

"Really??". Jimin laughed again.

"Yeah. And it is cute too!!". I said to him.

"Li-Like me??". Jimin blushed.

"Well, yeah!". I said and reached out to his cheeks and pinched them.

"Hey--- OW!!". He raised his voice and also started to pinch my cheeks too.

"HEY! AHH! LET GO!". I giggled.

"NOT UNTIL YOU LET GOOO". Jimin also giggled.

"What a cute couple!!". A old woman appeared in front of us.

We then both stopped on what we're doing.

"Oh ma'am w-we're just friends". I sweat-dropped.

"Don't misunderstand us, ma'am". Jimin said to the old woman as he got shy and look down.

"Oh really? Well then, I hope you two will become couples in the future!". The old woman smiled genuinely towards us.

Me and Jimin got speechless and watched the old woman wave goodbye and walk away.

"Phew. Well, that was awkward". Jimin laughed sheepishly.

"Uh yeah. It is". I looked down.

My heart is beating fast again..

What this feeling??

"Wanna get some ice cream?". I hear Jimin ask me.

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts. "Hm? Uh what about the arcade?".

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