Chapter 23

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Your POV

I just came back to my old apartment.

I walked to my old landlord's office. She immediately noticed me and spoke, "Oh. (Y/n)? I thought you're now living with those men---".

But I cut her off as I aggresively placed my hands in front of her table and said, "Is my old apartment still free, ma'am?".

Startled by my sudden behavior, she just nodded in silence.

"Just-Just please give me the keys, ma'am. I'll pay my whole rent now, don't worry". I quickly said as I gestured her to hand me my keys back.

She just stared at me in awe as she gave me my keys to my old apartment.

I gladly took the keys and stomped to my destination.

I reached the door and opened it. I got inside my apartment and plopped myself on my dusty, uncleaned sofa.

I sighed. "Shit. What a day".

I looked over at my watch and saw it's almost 9:00 pm.

Boredom filled me in as I stared at the ceiling.

"Why...". I started to cry. "Jimin".

He just forgot me. He doesn't know who I am. I am no one to him now.

"I can't do this anymore". I said to myself. "I lost Jimin. Lost my job...". I sighed more heavily this time. "And now I'm broke".

I don't even know why I even came back to this apartment even though I knew I still don't have my payment back from Seokjin.

"My life just became more crap to crappier".
I said to myself.

I then closed my eyes.

I'm helpless. Useless.


Seokjin's POV

It's been 1 month since that incident happened. Our connection with (Y/n) has been gone now, especially Jimin.

I don't even know why he can't even remember (Y/n) until now.

There's a day that Jimin agreed to be therapied. The doctor said that he had a minor dementia. He said that Jimin will be forgetting things ONLY for a short time, so we don't have to worry.

He gave Jimin medications. At first, Jimin accepted it that he had depression and needs to be treated. Jimin followed every step the doctor said and asked.

But then the day came that Jimin became stubborn. MORE stubborn than the 'Jimin' before which is more irritating and annoying. The others can't also take this anymore.

But still, we need to support him with all our strength.

"Come on Jimin! You need to drink your medicine!". Namjoon shouted as he tried to shove the pill on Jimin's mouth.

"Hyung! Please!". Jungkook pleaded as he tried to struggle with Jimin's arms.

"It's for your own good! Come on!". Taehyung also struggled with Jimin's other arm.

"OH SHIT! Stop with this nonesense, Jimin! You kept shoving the water away! It's now scattered on the floor! FUCK!!". Yoongi complained as he tried to give the water to Jimin.

"Jimin just bit me!!!". Hoseok exclaimed, horror filled his face as he raised his hand up with teeth marks.

"FOR MY OWN GOOD?! WHAT'S FOR MY OWN GOOD?! I'M SICK OF IT! THE PILLS JUST MADE MY HEAD HURT EVEN MORE!". Jimin shouted as he struggled hard from the grips of the other guys.

"Jimin!!". I called his name. "Wake up!! You're sick! Drink it! You're still not cured!!". I knelt down in front of him. Namjoon gave me the pill. I pinched Jimin's jaw, his lips are now pursed. "Drink this or I'LL KILL YOUR FUCKING ASS!".

"NO! I'M CURED NOW RIGHT?! MY DEPRESSION IS GONE! I'M ALRIGHT---". Jimin kept shouting but I cut him off.

" 'CURED' MY ASS!! YOU CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER (Y/N)---". I shouted at him but he shouted more.


"She's YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!". Namjoon shouted. "G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D!!". Namjoon said in English.

"BUT SURIN IS MY GIRLFRIEND!". Jimin struggled more and more.

I gripped his jaw again. "JIMIN! THAT SURIN JUST CHEATED ON YOU! CAN'T YOU REMEMBER?! YOU EVEN SAID THAT YOU HATE HER!". I then forced the pill in his mouth, luckily it got in.

But, he spitted it out in my face.

"Hyung!". Namjoon exclaimed. "You okay?!".

I nodded and looked at Hoseok.

"The syringe". I ordered. "Get it".

The doctor gave us an injection where will calm Jimi down--- in short, it will put Jimin to sleep.

I don't want to see him like this. We don't want to see him like this.

"Here!". Hoseok yelled and gave me the syringe.

"THAT AGAIN?! THE FUCK HYUNG?!". Jimin's eyes widened at the sight of the syringe in my hand.

"This is for your own good, Jimin". I said to him. "If we can't force you then, we'll do it this way".

And with that, I injected him.

"I HATE YOU ALL YOU TRAITO...". With one shot, Jimin fell asleep. His head dropped on the side and his body became lifeless, as if he's a corpse.

"This is weird. I don't want to see Jimin like this". Yoongi spoke, still holding the glass of half-emptied water. "WE'VE BEEN DOING THIS TO HIM FOR A MONTH AND IT FUCKIN' SUCKS!".

I just sighed and stared at the sleeping Jimin. I placed down the empty syringe on the floor.

"Now now, Jungkook. Be careful". I hear Taehyung speak. Jungkook is now placing the pill inside Jimin's mouth.

"Tsk. I know what I'm doing, hyung". Jungkook told Taehyung.

I sighed again.

It's always like this.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder.

"We need her". Namjoon said as he held a face of worry.

I nodded.

"We need (Y/n)".

A/N: hey (y/n) where you at?

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