He's still out there

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Rosie's POV


"Well, uh, no actually...I don't know where he is.." Kyle spoke up, making me realise too. Where is he??

"Didn't he come back in the Helicopter? And ambulance??" Hazel asked, sounding almost worried.

"Hazel just rest? You hated this guy like, not even a day ago! You're just all confused and high on pain meds...We'll talk about this tomorrow? After you've slept okay?" I suggested, not having a clue about whats going on here. This all happened because she hates him..and then he saves her life and they cuddle up? And now she's worried about where he is?

"Did he even come to the hospital?" Kyle whispered to me as we left her room and sat outside.

"I don't think so...."

He's still in Switzerland!? Freezing...In that cave??

"Shit...Rosie what are supposed to do?" Kyle asked, freaking out so much he wouldn't even give me time to answer...not that I had an answer though.

"Are we supposed to hate him, and leave him? No! He's my best mate, I can't leave him. Who do we tell?"

"Okay Kyle enough! Just relax! We need to just think?" I but in before he got even more confused.

A few nurses walked past us and gave us funny looks, I guess we're not supposed to be here but I ain't leaving.

"We should probably tell Hazel when she wakes up" Kyle suggested, sounding calmer now.

"No way! When she wakes up, and is of these drugs, her feelings towards Ash will be back to normal - Hate"

"Okay first...how do you know that? And second, he's dying out there Rosie! I thought you didn't hate him anyway?"

Maybe I am being a bit halfhearted? He is dying out there, we probably should tell someone? And he got a point...I don't know that thats how Hazel will react, what if they talked that night in the cave...what if she fell for Ash?

"What's wrong with you?" Kyle asked, noticing my eyes widen and jaw drop.

"What if Hazel fell for Ash because he saved her!?" I blurted, standing up, throwing my arms out in shock.

"Ahh mate!" He replied, eyes widening too.

"Talk about breaking the friend zone...he broke the hate zone!" He added before bursting into laughter. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"You know only loners laugh at their own jokes" I teased, letting go of the important stuff right now. It's good to have a laugh when things get like this, loosen up the mood a bit.

"Yeah well...so do comedians"

"Could tour comebacks be any worse?" I laughed.

"Rosie?" Hazel called from the other side of the door.

"Haze, you're supposed to be sleeping" I said in a hushed tone.

"How can I sleep...when my -"

"...You're what?" I said after a slight silence.

"My- My...I don't know" She said, scrunching her face up in confusion.

"Okay? Just try then?"

She nodded her head and snuggled back down and closed her eyes.

"Ahhh man" She sighed a couple minutes later and sat back up. I know I shouldn't laugh, but her being high is pretty funny...she's like a toddler or something.

"What now Haze?" Kyle asked, with a slight grin.

"I didn't kiss my mum goodnight" She said, sounding genuinely regretful.

I heard Kyle snigger but he quickly turned around so Hazel wouldn't see or hear him laugh. I had to just hold it in.

"Haze your mum isn't here, you already said goodnight anyway"

"Oh...Well you will come home with me tomorrow" She said, laying back down.

"Yeah okay" I replied with a smile and sat in the chair.

I was planning on doing that anyway, since her mum can't get an earlier flight back.

"Goodnight Rosie Rose and Ky" She whispered.

"Good night Hazel" I replied, looking over my shoulder to see Kyle practically wetting himself in the corner.

He saw me looking so I just scowled but jokingly, at least he'll lighten the mood, I hate hospitals anyway but it's not bad with Kyle.

Just as I was nodding of that night, something hit me...What if Ash is dead now? It has been a hole day after all...

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