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All I could see was red. At one point, when I saw him, I was so overjoyed because I wasn't expecting him to be there. Then, in less than a second I remembered everything he had done to me.

To my family
To my children

To Marcel and Davina, and everyone he's ever met! He has so many enemies, he never should have had kids but thanks to the witches, it was made possible but they didn't see the possibility of him having two children.

One human, and one hybrid.

While I lay dead on the operating table, he took my hybrid son, and ran.

In typical Klaus fashion.

Still, a part of me didn't expect anything that happened next.

"Hi. And you are?"

"Oh, hi I'm Klaus' date. My name..."

"Ya... Don't care."

She said, as she snapped the neck of the woman before her.

As the music stopped, Alisha became the center of attention.

The center of Klaus' attention.

"What the hell was that!"

Marcel came running over to stand before her. Along with Stefan and Davina.

"Who the hell do you think you are!"

"Klaus. My man."

He said, as he raised his glass of champagne.

"I'm so glad you asked! This lovely newborn creature..."

He said, as she gestured to Alisha, and placed his arm around her waist, to pull her closer, then began to speak louder, so everyone in the place could hear him. Loud and clear.

"... is my new Queen!"

As he said that, Alisha threw her mask on the floor. By Klaus' feet.

For the first time ever...

Klaus was speechless.

"I'm sorry, Luv. Were you expecting someone else?"
Alisha said, in her best Klaus accent.

"Alisha! What are you doing here? What have you done!"

He started to run over to her, but Marcel and Stefan stood in front of her.

"Don't touch her Klaus. She is under our protection now."

"She never needed protection from me!"

"Everyone needs protection from you!"
Stefan had stepped out front and said.

"Do not dare, think you can tell me what I can and cannot do, in the home that I built. This house was MINE!"

"I will say whatever I want in MY home. You ran away, like a scared little boy and left it here to me. This is my home and you WILL not be disrespectful here. There are rules, and in this town...
I'm the King. You are nothing more than a deserter."

Klaus ran up to him, grabbing his throat and putting him up against the wall behind him. Growling in his face.

But Marcel wouldn't have that, not in front of his men, not ever. Marcel kicked him in the gut then punched him in the face, causing Klaus to lose his grip enough for Marcel to get out of it.

Klaus sped to him, picking him up and tossing him through the closest wall.

As Marcel stood up, he sped up, he ran straight into Klaus' chest, pushing him back against a wall, and speed punched him in the face as Klaus dodged them and pushed Marcel back a few feet.

Alisha sped between them, placing her hand on their chests.

"You WILL STOP! No more of this Klaus! You should not have come. No one wants you here. You need to leave."

Klaus smiled as he saw her. Standing up to him. She really had changed. This is not the same girl he knew, he sensed a difference.

"How is our daughter?"

"Don't you dare talk to me about MY daughter, when you stole my son from me! I want my son here. Now!"

"I'm sorry Luv. I can't do that."

"Yes. You can. And you will. Now get out of my house!"

Klaus backed up, putting his hands in the air, turned around and left.

Stefan walked up to her, as Marcel stood behind her, rubbing her shoulders.

"You really think he will bring you your son?"

"No. I know he won't. And if he did have some plan to hide him from me, then we have less than 5 minutes to find him, and keep him from running again. He didn't think I would ever come here. I had no reason to."

"You heard the Queen, men! Find Klaus!"

All his men, nodded their heads and took off.

"Some hell of a party huh?"

"Don't start with me, Stefan."

"No, that's not what I meant. But to be honest, it's never a real party til Klaus shows up and people die."

Stefan raised his eyebrows, and began rocking back and forth on his heels, with his hands in his pockets.

Looking over to Alisha, as she raised her eyebrows.


And they both laughed.

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now