Joey X Reader

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You were getting ready to go out with Joey to a cafe. You guys have been friends now for a few months and you thought that inviting him out to lunch would help you guys get to know each other more. You also really liked food and badly wanted to go to the cafe so..

You stared into the mirror making sure that everything was perfect on you. Your hair was good, clothes were on fleek and your face looked bright and beautiful. You were ready to go. You head out of your house and ride your bike to the cafe. As you got there, you parked it and locked up your bike and headed into the cafe. Surprisingly, Joey was there sitting down at a table waiting for you. He looks up and notices you and starts to wave at your direction.

You smile and wave back. You go to the table where he's at and sit down in front of him. "Hey, Joey! It's nice to see you again." You said happily. "Well, it's very nice to see ya too!" Joey said to you in a happy tone. His personality always brightened up your surroundings making everything less anxiety driven and more at ease. You felt like you could always be yourself towards Joey.

"So, how's everything been going with you lately?" You asked. He rubbed his head a little. "Eh, it could be better. I'm glad though that you invited me to hang out with you. This place seems nice." He said smiling at you. You gave another smile back. "Me too. I'm glad to have you here with me." The waitress came by and took both of your orders. Soon enough, your food and drinks arrived and your mouth watered with delight. You both dig into your food.

Yugi comes in with Tristan and Tèa and they all noticed you two at the same table with each other, happily eating your food together. "What are they both doing here together?" Tèa whispered to Yugi. "I'm not quite sure." Yugi replied. "Maybe their on a date." Tristan said.

Yugi, Tèa and Tristan went up to you guys. Joey looks behind you and waves at Yugi and the others walking towards you two. "Aye, guys! What are you all doing here?" Joey said. "We were about to ask you the same thing." Tèa responded. "Oh, (y/n) here invited me to hang out with her today." Joey said as he took a bite out of his burger.

"Oh, that sounds like fun, Joey!" Yugi said. Tristan looked at the both of you with a suspicious look on his face. "Looks like a date to me." Tristan said rubbing his chin.
You practically spat out your drink and had a coughing fit. "What?!" You managed to say through coughs. "(y/n), are you okay?" Joey asked worried as he got up from his seat and sat next to you, patting your back. Your coughing fit somewhat subsided. "Yeah.. I'm good." You said.

Joey smiled in relief. "Thank goodness."

"Tristan!" Tèa snapped. "What? It just looks like their having a date with each other is all. Like boyfriend and girlfriend." Tristan said. You look back at Tristan. "No, no, no! You got it all wrong! We're just hanging out is all." You said defending the situation. "Yeah, come on, Tristan. Don't overthink it you toaster head." Joey joined in.

"Well, alright. Whatever you two say." Tristan said as he shrugged his shoulders. Joey just rolled his eyes. "Well, anyway, we don't want to bother you guys so we'll be going. It was nice seeing you two!" Yugi said as him and the others walked passed you two. You guys said bye back as they left you two alone again. Joey returns to his seat and clears his throat. "Heh, sorry about Tristan. He can be kind of a skeptic at times and say the most silliest things." Joey said rubbing the back of his head.

"Nah, don't worry about it." You said laughing a little. Joeys face lit up with an idea. "You know, I kind of like hanging out with you. If you're still free today, would you like to come over to my house? We can play video games and order pizza or something if you like." Joey offered. That sounded quite fun to you. How can anyone resist that offer? You give Joey a warm smile. "Sure! I'd love to." Joeys eyes lit up at your response like a puppy dog. "Really? Awesome! You can come over at around 4 tonight. I promise, it'll be lots of fun." He said with enthusiasm. "I'm sure it'll be very fun."

Yugioh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now