Kaiba X Reader (Pt.1)

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(Story requested by @AllisonTart )

You were riding your bike around town, enjoying the crisp fall breeze that brushed against your skin as you rode past a couple that was walking together down the sidewalk. The colorful leaves get picked up by a gust of wind that your bike leaves behind as it zooms by. You continue to ride down a small hill and suddenly see who appeared to be Seto Kaiba and Joey. You put your bike to a complete stop as you wonder what the two were doing. They were a little far from you, so it was kind of hard to tell what exactly was going on.

You get off of your bike and walk towards them with your bike by your side. As you got closer to them, you could start hearing them a bit more. It sounded like they were arguing, but about what? "You really like to run that big mouth of yours, don't cha?" Joey snarled at Kaiba. "At least I'm not a third-rate duelist." Kaiba argued back. Joey grits his teeth and raises his fist at Kaiba. "Thats enough from you, pal! You'd be absolutely nothing without your little blue eyes in your deck!" Joey snapped back.

The both of them continued to bicker back and forth as you watched. You never liked it when any of your friends argued with one another. It just made you feel upset. You decide to intervene and walk up to them more to get in between them. "Joey? Kaiba? What's going on?" You asked. "kaiba's just being a snot nosed jerk as usual!" Joey replied. "You're just jealous because I beat you three times in one go." Kaiba said. "Oh yeah?! Well, I would have beaten you if you were to play fair once in your life!" Joey argued back. "Come on you two! Let's not argue over a card game..." You said.

"Well than, tell Kaiba to stop playing unfair than maybe we'll be able to get along better!" Joey replied. Kaiba crosses his arms. "Well, maybe if you weren't so bad at this game, you'd actually win for once. Maybe you'd even earn my respect if you ever get the chance to beat me." Kaiba responded back. Joey growled and raised his hands up in the air. That was the last straw. "Thats it! I'm done here!" Joey snaps at Kaiba and storms off. "Same here." Kaiba said as he turns around and leaves. You were now left alone with your bike and sighed as a sweat drop goes down the side of your head. "Why are they like this?"

Téa walks up to you with her bike and tilts her head slightly at you. "Is everything okay, (Y/n)?" She asked. You look at Téa. "Oh, you know. the usual.. Those two are always getting on each other's nerves, I mean seriously. Who fights over a children's card game?" You replied. She shakes her head. "Yeah, those two are absolute bozos."

"Yeah... and one of those bozos is my crush..." You spoke. Téa looks at you weirdly. "Really? Which one is it?" Téa asks, becoming very curious as to who you possibly have your feelings set on. You blush a bright red and grip onto your bike more. "Seto Kaiba..." You stuttered a little. Téa blinks a couple of times at you as she tries processing what you said to her. "Seto Kaiba??? Why?? He's so... stuck up." She responds. "Ugh! I know! But I can't help it! We've been friends since preschool and ever since than, I've kind of developed feelings for him." You admitted.

"Dang. I had no idea you and Seto were like that. I can't imagine him having any friends with how he is." She responds. "Well, surprise, surprise, I'm one of them. Anyway, I've been wanting to confess to him for a while now, but I've been a bit too shy to..." You spoke. "Oh, come on. It can't be that bad." Téa replied with a small smile on her face. "But what if he rejects me?" You said a bit quietly, already becoming hurt by the possibility of becoming rejected.

"Psh! Oh please! The worst he can say is no. Besides, you deserve better anyways. He's kinda heartless if you ask me." Téa responded. You park your bike and sit down in defeat with your knees to your chest. "I doubt he'd even like someone like me like that. Ugh! It's hopeless!" You said as you buried your face in your legs. "Oh, (Y/n), come on! Just tell him you love him and like I said, the worst he can do is say no." Téa leans down and gently places her hand on your shoulder to try and help comfort you. "But I'm afraid of rejection..."

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