Joey X Reader (Fluffiest version)

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Warning: This story may be cringey to some readers. Readers discretion is advised.

"Imma getcha (y/n)!" Joey said with a sinister grin. His hands were stretched out towards you. His fingers ready to tickle you. You spit your tongue out at him and made a silly face. "You'll never take me alive!" You proclaimed and ran off as fast as your feet could move. Joey starts chasing after you around the house.

You run up the stairs and into the guest room. You quickly close the door and hide under the bed. Joey swiftly opens the door to the guest room and sees that the room appeared to be empty. He slowly walks further into the room. "You can run, but you can't hide from the all powerful Joey Wheeler." Joey snickered as he slowly prowled around the room, looking for you.

You covered your mouth and couldn't help but giggle at him. He was never going to find you under here. Joey walks to the closet and opens the closet door. "I gotcha!" Joey said. There obviously was no one in the closet. "Rats..." Joey snapped his fingers. He closes the closet door and looks to the bed. He sees something peeking out from under. It was almost unnoticeable. It looked like a foot was slightly sticking out from under the bed.

Joey smirks. "Oh where oh where could cute little (y/n) be? She couldn't be anywhere in this room. I've pretty much looked all over." Joey said as he walked towards where your foot was hanging out. You giggle more under the bed, unaware that Joey knew where you were.

He gets to the bed and bends over, reaching for your ankle. "She couldn't be under HERE, could she?" Joey grabs onto your ankle, catching you way off guard. He swiftly drags you out from under the bed. You desperately try gripping onto the floor, but it was no use. He drags you out and immediately holds you in his arms as you struggled. "Got you, you little sneaker! Thought you could escape the great ol Joey Wheeler, did ya?" Joey said and plops you on the bed.

He hovers over you and starts tickling you. You scream and laugh. "What's wrong? Can't fight back?" Joey smirked and started playfully kissing your face. You giggled and tried blocking your face from his kisses, but when you did that he grabbed a hold of your hands and pulled them away from your face and continued to attack your face with kisses.

"Hehe! Stop!" You giggled. "But you're so darn cute! I don't think I can help myself." Joey smirked as he tickled you. "Please! I promise, if you stop, I'll bake you some brownies!" You pleaded. Joey stops for a moment. "Brownies, aye?" Joey asked. You quickly nodded at him. "Yeah! I'll even drizzle it with peanut butter! Maybe even some chocolate chips!" You said.

Joey placed his hand under his chin to think about your kind offer. "Hmmm.... Either I stop hearing that cute laughter of yours or I continue on hearing it, but no brownies.... I think this is worth risking the brownies over." Joey said. "It doesn't have to be that way! You can always hear me laugh some other time! Just spare me! I'm sure you're hungry and tired." You tried convincing Joey.

Joey looks down at you and stares at your (e/c) eyes and sighs. "Aight. I'll show you some mercy this time. You're lucky that I'm hungry or I'd still go on and torture you." Joey said and booped your nose. He gets off of you and picks you up from off the bed. You blush and giggle a little as you were in his embrace.

He walks with you out of the room and down the stairs. As you two make it to the dining room, he sets you down and ruffles your hair a little. "So, whatcha wanna do today, toots?" Joey asked. "Maybe we can watch a movie?" You suggested. "Doesn't sounds like too bad of an idea! We can even have a little ice cream night too to go with it." Joey suggested. "I love ice cream! Do we still have toppings?" You replied with a smile.

"Heck yeah we do! Why don't you go get the movie started and I'll get out the ice creams and toppings." Joey smiled back. "Okay!" You responded and rushed upstairs into your room to look for a movie to watch. Joey chuckles and goes into the kitchen to get everything ready. You look through the dvds and eventually found a movie for you and Joey to watch together. You place the movie in the DVD player and rush back downstairs to Joey. "I picked out the movie!" You said, sounding excited.

Yugioh X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora