Weevil X Reader

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You and Weevil were sitting together on a bench. Things felt depressing and your relationship with him wasn't going very well. You two would always argue and would disagree on most things. It also seemed like he would distance himself from you and would not want to be around you much. The connection between you two was only growing weaker by the day and you both just couldn't take it anymore.

You guys loved each other, but obviously things just weren't working out at all and a very tough decision had to be made. "Weevil.. You know that no matter what happens I'll always love you, right?" You spoke. Weevil turns his eyes to you and nods. "Yeah... I'll always love you too." Weevil replied. You blushed and slightly smiled at his response. "Weevil.." You had a hard time trying to speak your mind as you gently took his hand.

He takes yours as well. You felt your heart starting to break. You didn't want to do this nor did Weevil, but this just wasn't healthy for the both of you. You felt your eyes sting as tears began to form in them. "Well, I guess... This is goodbye for now..." You choked. Tears streamed down your face and landed on your lap. "Yeah.. I guess it is, but it's for the best, right?" Weevil said.

Weevil takes your hand and kisses it. You look at him, locking eyes with him. You could see that he was crying as well, but didn't make a sound. He weakly smiles at you and gets up from the bench and slowly and hesitantly starts letting go of your hand. When his hand lets go of yours it felt like there was now this gaping hole in your heart. He looks at you one last time and walks away, leaving you alone on the bench.

Your heart shattered as you watched him walk away. Once he wasn't in your sight anymore you bursted into tears and cried in your hands. It felt like your life was ending and that nothing could ever fix it. This was the worst pain you've ever felt in your life. It felt like your heart was being torn to shreds. Why was breaking up so hard to do? How could you still be friends with him after this? You laid yourself down on the bench and continued to cry until you passed out.

The next day arrives and it starts to lightly rain, waking you up. You slowly open your groggy eyes and saw that you were still in the park not remembering that you passed out here. You sit up and sigh. "What a horrible night.." You said in your head. You get up from the bench and walked on home. "What else could go wrong?" You asked yourself. It suddenly started down pouring and you frowned. "I had to ask..."

You eventually make it home drenched and went to the bathroom to clean yourself up. You get done and headed into your room and plopped down on your bed face first. Your phone suddenly vibrated. You take the phone from your bed stand and check to see who texted you. It was Rex. "Hey, (y/n)! I was wondering if maybe you'd like to have some lunch with me at the Moto Cafè." Rex texted.

You started texting him back. "Sorry, Rex. I can't today. Maybe some other time." Your phone vibrates again as Rex sent another text message. "Oh, alright, that's cool. Maybe we could do something else today if you'd like." Rex texted. "No thanks, Rex. I got stuff to do today." You texted back. "Oh, okay. Maybe we could hang out tomorrow or something?" Rex texted.

You sighed. "Maybe.. I'll talk to you later." You responded and placed your phone back on your bed stand. You felt too upset to do anything and just decided to lay in bed for most of the day. You thought that breaking up with Weevil was the right hing to do, but when looking back at it, was it really worth it? Sure you guys didn't quite get along too well and got into plenty of fights, but you both still loved each other nonetheless. Your heart felt like it was falling apart and the pressure of it made you feel even more upset.

You cling onto one of your stuffed animals and cried as the rain pitter pattered on the window. An hour passes and you eventually stop crying. You looked up at your ceiling and couldn't stop thinking about Weevil. You take your phone and go into your photo gallery. Photos of you and Weevil suddenly popped up. You click on one of them and see a picture of you and Weevil taking a selfie together while making silly faces at the camera.

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