Kaiba X Reader (Last part)

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You've been Kaiba's servant for almost a week now and you were excited to finally be free from this place. You only had three days left to be Kaiba's servant and you couldn't wait for it all to end. He's been utterly annoying to you and his attitude towards you remained the same. You tried your best to hold back from trying to throw anymore punches at him or yell in his face. It wasn't easy, but you managed to remain calm and concentrate on what you needed to do and get done.

It was around 6:30 at night and you were almost done folding the laundry. Your body ached from all the work you had to put up with through the week. "This has been so exhausting, but at least in three days I can leave and never be this punks servant again."

You pause for a moment and thought of something. "Or maybe I can just try to escape. Why haven't I thought of that before?!" You said to yourself. You sighed and continued on folding the last of Kaiba's laundry and went to his room to put the clothes away. "Maybe I'll think of a plan to escape later after I get done with these chores." You said to yourself. Before you could step foot in his room, Kaiba touched your shoulder from behind, making you scream and drop the basket filled with neatly folded clothes now ruined.

"Calm down, servant. It's just me." Kaiba said. You looked back at him with a mean look and turned back to the laundry that was now all over the floor. You bent down and tried picking up all the laundry and folded up some of the unfolded clothes. "What do you want now, sir Kaiba?" You said in annoyance.

"I was just going to tell you that dinner should be prepared soon as soon as you are done putting away the laundry." He said looking down at you as you neatly put the laundry back in the basket and picked the basket up. "Alright, sir Kaiba." You said to him. You turned your back from him and walked away with the basket.

Once you got done putting away the laundry, you head into the kitchen and start making dinner. You made an easy dinner which was spaghetti and as you got done making it, you poured some spaghetti in two separate bowls. One for you and one for Kaiba. You were practically starving and couldn't wait to dig in. You also buttered some bread and placed it on a plate. As you were leaving the kitchen with the food you saw Kaiba at the table waiting to be served. You felt disgust take over, but tried keeping it together and walking towards the ruthless man with his dinner.

You placed the bowl of spaghetti in front of him on the table with some buttered bread. You went to your spot of the table, as far from Kaiba as you could possibly get and sat down with your food and began to eat. Kaiba looked down at his dinner. "Hopefully you prepared it well." Kaiba said placing the fork in the spaghetti and twirling it around.

You didn't pay much attention to him and kept on eating. As he took a bite of the spaghetti and swallowed it, he couldn't help but laugh a little for some reason.

You stopped eating and looked up at him in confusion. "What's so funny?" You asked. "Well, I didn't expect this spaghetti to actually be successful. I thought maybe you'd mess it up like you have with the other dishes." He teased. Your face turned red, but you told yourself to remain calm and just keep eating your dinner. You were starving after all and you were sure that eating would help keep you calm.

Kaiba took a bite out of the bread you prepared and blinked a couple times while raising an eyebrow at it. "This bread seems to be a bit stale. Gee, you almost impressed me with your dinner, yet failed to dish out fresh bread." He said placing the bread down. You thought that the bread was fine and that he was just trying to get on your nerves, so you kept eating and avoiding his criticism.

He picks another piece of bread from his plate and puts some of the spaghetti in it and takes a bite out of it. "See? It doesn't even taste that good even with the spaghetti in it. Also, I don't see any glass of water next to my meal." He said trying to get you to explode with rage. It almost worked, but you caught yourself and tried your very best to keep yourself at ease, but gritted your teeth to do so. "I'm so sorry, sir Kaiba. Let me get it for you." You said through gritted teeth. "No, no. It's fine. If you want it done right, I guess you just have to do it yourself." He said as he stood up from his chair to get a glass of water.

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