Yugi X Reader

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You were at home getting ready for your first sleepover with your best friend, Yugi. You two have known each other since kindergarten and your friendship only grew more and more every year. You couldn't help but smile every time you thought of the memories you had with him. You also developed feelings for him over the years.

You would always blush around him now whenever you two were near each other. It felt weird having feelings for him. You never thought you would one day fall for him, but here you are, having romantic thoughts about him. Where did these feelings even come from? You thought about telling him how you felt, but you were afraid that he would reject you and that you would have to live with a broken heart for who knows how long so you decided to just keep your feelings to yourself and tried hiding them as much as you could.

You sighed and continued on packing, trying to shake off the thoughts of your beloved friend, Yugi out of your head. As you got done packing, you headed out the door and walked to Yugi's house which was only a ten minute walk.

Once you got to his house, you felt nervousness overtake you. You hesitated to ring the doorbell and wondered if you should just turn around and not come to the sleepover. What if you accidentally embarrass yourself in front of Yugi? You blushed at the thought, but tried to shake it off. If you didn't go to the sleepover, you would hurt poor Yugi's feelings and that would be even more embarrassing. No, you weren't going to cower away all because of some silly thoughts in your head. you tried to compose yourself, took a deep breath and rung the doorbell.

The door opens and there was Yugi at the door. "Hey, (y/n)! You made it!" Yugi said happily. He spread his arms out towards you and gave you a welcoming hug. You couldn't help but blush a little and hugged him back. "Hey.. Hope I'm not late. It took me a while to pack." You said to him.

"No, not at all! In fact, you're just in time! We were just about to play a game. Come on in!" Yugi said inviting you in. You smiled gently and made your way into his house. Yugi closes the door behind him and walks you into the other room where his friends were at. You've never really met any of Yugi's friends besides Joey Wheeler. He seemed like an okay guy, but you didn't know him too well. Sometimes it kind of felt like he was hitting on you from time to time, but that was probably just him being friendly. As you and Yugi made it to the room, he introduces you to his other friends.

"(y/n), i'd like you to meet my friends, Tristan, Tèa, Ryou and Kaiba. You already know who Joey is obviously." Yugi said smiling. "Hello!" They all said besides Kaiba.

"It's very nice to meet you all." You said smiling at them. "It's very nice to meet you too, (y/n)!" Tèa said.

"Ayyyeeeee, (y/n)!" Joey says getting up from his seat and putting his arm around you. "How you doin? How's life treating ya?" Joey smiled. You gave an awkward smile back at Joey. "I'm doing well, thanks." You replied.

"Somebody likes someone." Tristan said teasing Joey. "Aye, shut up! She's just an acquaintance of mine that's all." Joey said raising a fist at Tristan.

"Alright, are we gonna start the game or are we gonna waste time talking to the new girl?" Kaiba said crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Oh yeah! That's right, I almost forgot. My bad!" Yugi said Rubbing the back of his head while awkwardly laughing. His laugh was cute to you. It kind of made you giggle a little bit. "Aight everyone! Sit yo butts down in a circle and let's get this game started." Joey said. Everyone sat in a circle. You sat next to Tèa and Tristan. "What game are we playing?" You whispered to Tèa. "We're playing truth or dare." Well, this wasn't gonna end well.

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