Joey X Reader

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You, Tèa and Yugi were having a small tea party together. You three were sitting under a big and healthy tree in a big green, vibrant field. The weather was perfect and the scenery was beautiful. "(Y/n)? Would you like some tea?" Tèa asked. You look to Tèa and smiled. "Sure. I'd love some." You replied. Tèa pours you some tea and pours herself some.

Yugi clears his throat as he tried to catch Tèa's attention. Tèa looks to Yugi. "Is something up, Yugi?" Tèa asked. "You didn't ask me if I wanted any tea." Yugi answered. "Oh? Oops! My mistake! Yugi? Would you like some tea?" Tèa said. "I would love some, thank you!" Yugi crosses his arms and smiles. Tèa pours some tea into Yugi's tea cup. Yugi takes the tea cup and holds out his pinky finger.

"Now, remember. The tea is kinda h-" Before Tèa could finish her sentence, Yugi takes a sip of the tea and burns his mouth. "Ouch! It's hot!" Yugi interrupted, almost dropping his tea in pain. A sweat drop forms on Tèa's head. "Well, yeah. I was just gonna warn you that the tea was hot.." Tèa said. "I though you meant drama like tea." Yugi replied.

Tèa facepalms and you laugh. "Oh, Yugi.." Tèa replied. "Hey, gang! Mind if I tag along on your little tea party?" A voice said. You all look to see Joey walking towards you guys. Tèa frowned in annoyance at the blond haired fellow. "Last time I checked, you weren't invited, Joey." Tèa said. "And why wasn't I?" Joey asked looking a bit offended.

"Because last time when we invited you to a tea party you decided to play a dumb prank on us and put hot sauce in our tea.." Tèa explained and took a sip of her tea. Joey began to laugh. "Hahah! But it was funny!" Joey replied. "Not when Yugi was crying in pain because of how hot it was." Tèa argued.

"Psh! Come on! It wasn't all that bad." Joey said. Tèa furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Yugi ended up having to go to the emergency room because you mistakenly put ghost pepper sauce in his tea instead of the regular hot sauce...." Tèa's eyebrow started twitching out of anger of remembering the incident.

"Pfft.. Whatever. He's fine! Just look at him for yourself!" Joey points towards Yugi who was holding his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth. He looked horrified as his eyes bugged open and twitched. "S-s-spicy hot.. Too hot.. T-too hooooott." Yugi muttered frightened.

Tèa hugs Yugi and pats him on the back to try and comfort the traumatized seventeen year old. "Just get out of here, Joey! We don't need your shenanigans ruining our tea party again.." Tèa hissed.

"Alright, alright. I'll go, but first." Joey strolls over to you and takes your cup of tea and drinks it. He gets a good taste of it and shrugs his shoulders. "Eh.. I've had better." He then gives you back your now empty tea cup and walks away. "Hey! You jerk! You just drank (y/n)'s tea!!" Tèa yelled. Joey just kept on walking, not giving much of a care for what he did.

Tèa starts growling and shaking her fist. "Why I oughta beat that boy when I see him again!" Tèa said. "It's alright, Tèa. I'll just pour myself some more tea. It's not that troublesome." You said as you reached for the pot. "It's not just that. He's just been so rude lately and I don't understand why! Ever since you came into the picture he's been acting this way." Tèa crosses her arms. "Maybe he's just jealous of you or something. Probably is trying to protect whatever territory he has from you." Tèa guessed.

You frowned a bit. "I'm sorry if I'm the cause of his behavior." You said as you felt a sense of guilt. Tèa looks to you. "It's not your fault at all, (y/n)! You did nothing wrong. It's Joey who's at fault not you." Tèa tried reassuring you with a smile. You smile back a little. "I guess." You replied. "Tèa's right, (y/n). Don't go blaming yourself for what Joeys been doing. You didn't ask him to act in this way. He's decided to act in this way himself." Yugi also tried reassuring you with a smile.

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