Pegasus X Reader (pt.3) last part

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A new beautiful day had begun. The sun was shining, a fresh and soothing breeze flowed through the air making the leaves on the trees rustle and the birds were chirping away. it felt quite peaceful and comfortable. As everyone was enjoying their time outside, you were in Pegasus bed sleeping with what appeared to be a pure white nightgown on. Last night was scary, but Pegasus saved you again from harms way and you felt a lot safer with him around you.

Even in his warm and caring embrace, you couldn't help but think about Kage and where he might be now. What if he was still watching you in secret? What if he was watching you now? What could you do? You hoped and prayed to never see him ever again. Let's hope you don't.

He was a very strange and delusional man who obsessed over you. Who knows what his intentions were towards you. For all you knew, he could have kidnapped you and forced you to be his lover for the rest of your life. What a nightmare that would have been. Luckily, Pegasus was there to rescue you from that creep. Without him coming to save you, the outcome would have been very different.

You clenched the soft pillow beside you as you dreamed of the different outcome where you weren't saved and Kage had you all to himself. He forced his lips onto yours and felt you up. You couldn't fight back. You felt utterly hopeless and afraid. You slightly opened your teary eyes, ending the horrible nightmare. You look to the other side of the bed and see that Pegasus was gone. You look at the time on the clock beside you and it read 10:30 in the morning. Guess it was time for you to get up.

You sat up on the bed and rubbed your eyes. You get out of bed and head to the bathroom to get ready for the day. When you were done you head downstairs and see Pegasus sitting on the couch, enjoying a book. You blush a little at him and made your way to him. He hears your footsteps and looks up from his book and sees you. "Hello, (y/n). Did you sleep well?" He smiled.

"Yes I did, thank you again for last night... I'm not sure what would have happened if you weren't there to save me.." You said sounding a bit shy. Pegasus closes his book and sets it down on the table. "Of course, darling. I wouldn't want anything bad to ever happen to you." He motioned you to sit next to him. You obeyed and walked to the couch and sat by his side. He places an arm around you and gently holds your chin up so that you were facing him.

His smile made you feel warm and somewhat breathless. He leans in and kisses you. You kiss back and you two pulled away from each other. "Now, is there something you would like for breakfast?" He asked. You gave him a small smile. "Maybe I could use some toast and eggs." You answered. Pegasus chuckled and called out for one of his servants. "Sebastian!"

Sebastian walks into the room and slightly bows to Pegasus. "Yes, sire?" He asked. "May you make my lady some eggs and toast, please?" Pegasus requested. Sebastian nods. "Right away, Pegasus." Sebastian leaves the room to make your breakfast. Your breakfast was eventually made and you dug in. You get done with your breakfast and felt a lot better. "Thank you, Sebastian. It was quite yummy." You smiled at the servant.

He smiles back with a nod and walks away. You were now alone with Pegasus again. You snuggled back up with him and he held you close to him. "I should probably get going soon.." You spoke, not wanting to be too much of a burden. Pegasus looks at you and slightly kisses your head. "You can stay here for as long as you like. I wouldn't mind it at all and besides last night was quite scary." Pegasus said.

You slightly nodded. "Yeah.. Where do you think he ended up?" You asked. "I'm not sure, but I'm sure he won't be bothering you anytime soon. Not with me around." Pegasus assured you with a smile. You smiled back and snuggled him.

A few more hours pass and you eventually leave Pegasus house and thanked him again for what he did for you. As you were walking away, Pegasus chased after you. "Wait, (y/n)! Are you sure you wouldn't like a ride home?" Pegasus asked. "I'm sure. Thank you though. I'll see you later, Pegasus." You kissed his cheek and continued walking away. Pegasus smiles and walks back into his home.

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