Kaiba X Sick Reader

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You were walking with Seto Kaiba down the busy streets of Domino city. You both were on a date with each other, celebrating six months together. You couldn't believe how much time flew by. It only felt like you two met just yesterday. You felt so lucky to have Seto Kaiba be your boyfriend even though you still felt a bit timid around him even after six months of dating.

As you two were walking together, you feel Kaiba reach his hand to yours and hold onto it. You blush a little and hold onto his hand back. You both enter into a nice looking restaurant and decided to get something to eat. You both were waited to your seats and sit down by a window. You looked out the window and watched all the people walk by. The girl who brought you two to your table places down your menus and some silverware.

"Your server will be right with you." She smiled. You both nod at her and she leaves you both alone with each other. You and Kaiba both open up your menus and look at all the food choices that they had. They all looked scrumptious to you. It was hard to choose what to get. Kaiba places down his menu and looks towards you with his hands folded in front of him.

"What are you getting?" He asked. You look over the menu at Kaiba. "I'm not sure. I can't quite decide." You replied almost quietly. Kaiba stayed quiet and looked out the window at the people passing by. Someone suddenly comes to your table and gives you both a friendly smile. "Good afternoon and welcome to Crystal springs! Would you two like to start off with a drink?" The waitress said and took out her notepad and pen.

Kaiba looks away from the window and looks to the waitress. "Yes, may I have some water." Kaiba said. "Most certainly! And what would you like, my dear?" The waitress turns to you, waiting for your request of beverage. You gulp, knowing darn well now you have to socialize.

You shyly look up at the waitress. "Could I maybe get a umm.... Soda please?" You asked quietly. "Did you say you wanted a soda?" The waitress asked as she tried to make sure she heard you correctly. "Yes, ma'am." You replied. "What kind of soda would you like? We got popsi, Kora, Spite, Flannder Orange, Sparkling lemon, Root beer or our special soda Crystal spring delight?" The waitress asked.

"Ummm... Could I have the Popsi please?" You said. "I'm sorry, hon. I couldn't catch that." The waitress said. You started feeling more nervous. "The popsi soda.." You said quietly. The waitress gives you a comforting smile. "It's alright, hon. Don't be shy. Did you ask for the Popsi drink?" The waitress said. You slightly nodded your head. "Yes ma'am." You responded.

The waitress jotted down both your beverage orders into her notepad. "Alrighty! I'll be back with your drinks!" The waitress said and walked away. Kaiba looks to you and you hide your face behind the menu. "(Y/n).." Kaiba spoke. You slightly placed the menu down a little and looked at him. "There's no need to be so shy towards me. We've been dating for six months. You shouldn't be this timid still." Kaiba said.

You place down your menu on the table and twiddled your thumbs. "I'm sorry, Seto... I guess it's just my personality. I'm normally pretty timid.." You responded. "There's more to it that you're not telling me." Kaiba said. You look down and sighed. "I'm just... Shy.. I can't help it." You replied. The waitress comes back with your drinks and gets out her notepad and pen again.

"Alright, y'all! Here's your drinks. Have you two decided on what to eat or do you both need a little more time to choose from our menu?" The waitress smiled. "I believe we're ready." Kaiba answered. "Very well! What would you like to have?" The waitress asked. "Could we both start off with some Crystal spring rolls and could I have the ravioli delight?" Kaiba requested.

"Absolutely! What would you like, hon?" The waitress looked towards you. "Could I get the chicken tenders, please?" You asked. "Certainly! Would you like a side of fries with that or coleslaw or a salad?" The waitress said. "F-fries, please." You smiled awkwardly. "Want ketchup, mustered, bbq sauce, honey mustard?" The waitress asked.

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