Tristan X Reader

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It was pouring out. The roar of thunder echoed through the sky and the crack of lightning flashed bright. You sat in front of the window in boredom, not knowing what to do with your life. You sighed and checked your phone to see if you had any notifications and of course there was nothing. You put your phone down and continue staring out the window.

You thought about maybe calling Yugi or Joey or Tèa to see if any of them wanted to come over and hang out with you on this boring day, but you didn't want to bother them and they were probably busy doing whatever they do so I guess they wouldn't have time for you anyways. As you felt like all hope was lost, your phone suddenly dings.

You look over to your phone with excitement. Finally, something to save you from this boredom. You pick up your phone to see who was texting you. There was a message from none other than Tristan. You looked utterly disgusted all of a sudden. You'd rather be bored out of your mind than talk to Tristan at the moment. You didn't hate him, but he sort of irritated you earlier today by picking on you about how you dressed and about how you like to once in a while watch one of your favorite childhood shows that was basically for five year olds.

It didn't really seem like him to be this way towards you. You couldn't help but wonder why he was acting that way with you. You eventually just decided to check Tristan's message anyways just to see what he wanted. You check his message and read it.

"Hey, (y/n). Sorry about earlier today. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything. I guess I took it a little too far with the teasing.. To make it up to you though, I was wondering if you would maybe want to go to the movies with me. Food and drinks will be on me and we can see whatever movie you want!" As you got done reading his message, you thought it was pretty sweet of him to offer to take you to the movies just to make you feel better, but you weren't sure whether to take him up on the offer or not.

You still felt a little salty with him and didn't know if you could stand being around him right now. On the other hand, you were super bored and if you stayed in the house for any longer, you felt like your head was going to explode with boredom and probably die. Well, the dying part was a bit of an exaggeration, but still, it felt like it was slowly killing you from the inside out.

You take a deep breath. "Maybe hanging out with Tristan won't be so bad. I have nothing better to do anyway so and besides, if things don't work out, you'll only be there for a couple hours." You thought to yourself. You text Tristan back. "Sure. I'll go with you."

Not even a minute passes and Tristan already sends you another message. "Awesome! I'll pick you up at around 6!" His message read. You weren't sure how this was gonna go or if you were possibly making a big mistake, but hopefully it'll turn out well and he'll behave himself and not tease you again. More thunder roared and lightning strikes down from the sky, making you jump a little in surprise. You look at the time, seeing that you had only 30 minutes to get ready.

More than enough time for you since it doesn't really take you as long to get ready as it would for most other girls. All you would do is just put on some deodorant and brush your hair, maybe even change your clothes and you were all set for the day. As you were done getting ready, you had some spare time on your hands. You look around your room, making sure that no one was secretly watching you for some reason and grab something from under your bed.

You take it out and what you took out was a box that had multiple cassette tapes of your favorite childhood show. You hugged it tightly and pick out on of the tapes and ran up to your old cassette tape. You placed the tape in the cassette player and sat on your bed, waiting for the tape to play. The tape plays and you watch with sparkling eyes. This brought back so many good memories from your childhood. You would always watch this show whenever it came on and would sometimes beg your parents to get all the cassette tapes of your favorite show. The show was called, 'Giggle pup'.

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