Ryou X Reader

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You recently broke up with your boyfriend after you caught him cheating with another girl. You were devastated and heartbroken. You have never felt so betrayed in your life. For the past few weeks, you haven't been eating much nor have you gone out of your home like you usually would. You even started to drink by getting into your mothers wine stash. Getting drunk was the only way to ease the pain for you, but the hangovers were always such a killer.

Your best friend that you have known since you were kids and the love of your life that you have been dating for years turned out to be a traitor in the end. You couldn't believe this to be true. It's been a few weeks and it still feels like you were in a terrible nightmare. You look at the half empty wine bottle and twirl it around, swishing the wine in the bottle. You take a big gulp of it and place it down by your side. You look at your phone and looked at all the old pictures of you with your used to be sweetheart.

It felt like pressure was building up in your chest the more you stared into those pictures. You felt your eyes begin to water and your hands begin to tremble. You turn off your phone and screamed. You throw your phone out your open window and it lands in your front yard. You bury your face in your legs and cried your eyes out. It hurt so much to know that this wasn't a dream, but a reality. How could he do this to you?

A knocking was heard from behind your door. "(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Your mother said from behind the door. She places her ear on your door and hears you sobbing. She gently opens the door and sees you sitting on the floor, crying with her wine bottle by your side. She walks into your room and closes the door behind her. She walks up to you and takes the wine bottle away.

She places it on your dresser and sits next to you. "(Y/n).. Hey.." Your mother said as she placed her hand on your shoulder to grab your attention. You look at her with blood shot eyes and sniffled. "Would you like to go out with me? I'm going to the mall. We can shop around for some new clothes and get something to eat afterwards." Your mom said. You wipe your eyes and shake your head.

"I appreciate the offer, mom, but buying new clothes isn't going to help me.." You spoke. "I would at least like you to get out of the house with me and get some fresh air. You haven't left the house in a few weeks. Crying over Adam isn't good for you nor is drinking your sorrows away." Your mother said. "It relieves the pain for a little bit." You replied. "Only for a little bit, but then you end up getting sick and having a huge headache afterwards. Hon, this isn't the way to get over a breakup." Your mother responded.

"Then what would you do if you were in my shoes, huh?" You asked, looking a bit annoyed. "I know how you're feeling. I've been in the same situation years ago when I was your age. I felt betrayed and hurt by the person that I thought loved me, but he ended up leaving me for my best friend. I felt so heartbroken and felt betrayed." Your mother said. You look at her a bit surprised. "What did you do to cope with the pain?" You asked.

"Well.. I drank and partied pretty much. I kept this up for about a few months until my mother decided to step in and talk to me about my behavior." Your mother said. "What did she tell you?" You asked. "She told me that if I kept up this behavior that I would end up broken forever and the pain would never go away. No drugs, booze or party could ever heal a broken heart. If the person that you thought loved you tore your heart into pieces, be thankful that they are out of your life. The reason why you cry for him is because you have a pure heart where his heart is in the wrong place. Don't let what he did to you end up being with you forever. Of course, it takes time to heal, but I promise, you'll feel so much better." Your mother said, giving you a gentle smile.

You gently smile back at her and wipe your tears away. "Now, why don't you clean yourself up and get dressed. We'll leave here as soon as you're ready." Your mom kisses your forehead and stands up. She leaves your room and closes the door. You take a deep breath in and sigh. You stand up from your floor and look out the window and saw your phone on your front lawn. "Why did I go ahead and do that?" You asked yourself.

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