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previously; "why am i feeling like this?"

"why am i falling in love with him all over again?"


sunhi's been avoiding yoongi lately for the past three weeks. she stopped going with him to the university and back to their apartment complex. when they see each other in the hallways or around the campus, she'd immediately turn around and walk the other way, hiding from him. it might break her promise with lyra, but she just couldn't have feelings on the boy her dead best friend loved. that's just rude. they're supposed to rest in peace.


yoongi's just plain confused as to why sunhi's avoiding him. did he do something wrong that made her ignore him? a month has passed since he met her. why did she suddenly change her mind and got back to not caring for him? yoongi grew frustrated, he didn't know what to do. he texted his friend, jimin, to come over for some advice.

he heard a knock on the door, knowing who it is. "hey, hyung," jimin greeted, letting himself in and sitting comfortably on the couch. "you brat," the older snapped at him. "what did you need?" jimin asked, not retorting back because he knew he'd get roasted. "so there's this girl," yoongi started, forgetting about how jimin just straight up disrespecting him. "is this lyra? the girl in high school you kept on blabbing about? your first love? i thought she's dead," the younger looked shocked. "no! let me talk, you brat. this isn't about lyra."

jimin looked at him, clearly surprised at what he just said. it's been a long time since yoongi had feelings for another girl. "you're seeing someone who's not lyra?" he asked the older, amusement evident on his face. "what? no! it's nothing like that!" yoongi exclaimed. "let me just fucking talk before i throw you out of the window." that shut jimin's mouth

"so, here's the thing, she actually saved me from something-," he got caught off. "what something?" jimin asked. "nothing important, just life situations. now let me continue," he said sternly. "she saved me, right? then days after she saved me, she started talking to me. we always walk to our uni together as she suggested, since we attend the same uni," he continued. "then it kinda became a habit walking together at school as well as walking together to our homes," he added, breathing in and out deeply. "wait, she lives here?" jimin asked.

"yeah, she does, i won't tell you where though," yoongi said. before the younger could start talking, yoongi started talking again to make him shut up. "anyway, it happened for about a week and a half, then suddenly she stopped talking to me and purposely avoiding me when we see each other on the campus. she even turn around and walk the other way when we're about to pass each other." yoongi was clearly frustrated. "um, hyung, do you like her?" jimin asked. "what? no, hell no!" he declined. "then why are you so caught up?"

"i don't know, i just sort of had a bond with her? i don't know," he said. "well, i'm very passive aggressive, so when me and hoseok get in an argument-," jimin was cut off. "this isn't about your love life-," yoongi was cut off too. "-so when me and hoseok get in an argument, i tend to like show him that i'm mad, but like, not say anything to him so... what i'm trying to say is, maybe you did something to the girl because it upset her?" the younger said. "i've also been thinking about that but i don't know any moment of when i did," yoongi said frustratingly.

"try to talk to her then," jimin said. "it's not that simple, she keeps on avoiding me remember?" yoongi was agitated, not at jimin, but himself. "then do some stunt, kabedon shit or whatever."

"you're crazy."

"worth trying," the younger shrugged.

end of winter ;; myg [cat sequel]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang