I smack his arm, and look at him seriously. "Why did you pull over?"

"The guy said we have to start walking from here." He points to the sign, that's says 'welcome to the beach'.


"Walking?" I say desperately. "Why?" I drag the 'y' out, leaning deeper into my seat.

"We can fuck in the ditch." He offers and I'm already halfway out of the car as his laughing rings in my ear. I give him the bird, before opening the backseat's door.

"Wakey wakey!" I flick their ears over and over again until they start groaning, slowly waking up. "We have to walk."

"Bloody hell." I hear Louis mumble. "Harry will you carry me?"

"Sure babe." Harry says sarcastically, laughing as he opens the back trunk. He picks up a bag, throwing it at the three, "Wake up. We have some walking to do."

They all groan also before they slowly get out of the car, bags in hand and guns in pockets. I have a duffel bag on my side and a knife thing in my back pocket. It would be a gun, but the guys said 'they no longer trust me with guns', because of my bad aiming.

Ugh, men.

They all stretch before we set out to woods, walking through the dark. Harry's hand was intertwined with mine.

Harry holds a little flashlight in the other hand, leading the rest of the guys through the dark, muted forrest. The silence is eerie, causing fear to fill my veins. My only reasurrance was the seven guys around me, that were definitely adding protection to this dreadful walk through the woods.

"How long do we have to walk?" I ask out loud, waiting for an answer. We had driven for a total of two and a half days so far, and the trip was three days in total.

"A few hours." Louis answered behind me, and groans fill the quiet woods. The only sound is us walking, and stepping on different twigs and branches.

The woods were one of my most feared places, especially in the dark. It's filled with unknown presences that you can't see. If you hear something, you won't be able to defend yourself because you can't see it. You know it's there, but you don't know where.

"Spencer?" Harry says beside me, gaining my attention. "Are you okay?"

I nod my head, giving him a weak smile. "Yeah, why?"

"You're squeezing my hand," He breathes out, "really hard."

I loosen my grip, laughing softly. "Sorry, I don't like the woods." I reply, shame laced in my voice.

"Aww," he said sarcastically, "Is the tough, little nineteen year-old Spencer Von scared of the woods?"

"No, it's just not my favorite place to be." I say quietly, ashamed of my little fear. I shouldn't be scared of this tree and nature filled place because there is no harm.

"It's okay, I'll protect you!" Harry says in a bold, super hero like tone, causing me to laugh along with all the others. He pulls me closer to him, letting go of my hand and snaking his arm around my shoulder. I place my arm around his back, welcoming the warmth and comfort.

I feel more safe with Harry beside me, and I don't know what it is, but with him I feel invincible.

After about an hour of walking, I feel good. I'm no longer scared and I feel much braver.

Well, I did until a scream echoes throughout the woods, causing us all to stop, and the fear that I had lodged up, suddenly came back. My breath hitched in my throat, and I can feel my body start trembling.

The Purge: Harry Styles (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now