Alternate Ending: save you (Katsuki)

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Katsuki's pov

I've tried to ease up on people......I really have I know Deku's always wanted a kinder me. The me that was her friend all that time ago, but remembering her.....the face she had its painful


She was rushed to the hospital me, Todoroki and Uraraka right behind her

We were eventually told to go to the lobby.

A few minutes went by and we all got the news "You may all go and see her....she only has a from what we guess a few days left."

My heart sunk

I ran in and there was her cold, pale and lifeless face. Many thoughts consumed my mind "Maybe if we're kinder she wouldn't be here, maybe if I remained her friend she wouldn't be here, maybe if I hadn't hurt her and abused her do much she wouldn't be here,

Maybe if I was actually there for her.....she wouldn't be here.

All she's ever done is fight huh.....? Fight for her dreams, to be a hero, that blue haired dumbass, me

And now she's fighting for her life.....I hope she won't give up.

Each day I visited her, yet it hurt to see her in such a pitiful state........then one day I visited and there was no more more deku

She had lost this fight.
And I lost me.

Soon my life started to take a huge turn for the worse, my mom became in debt and I had gotten a side job with school for it. That side job was being a hitman
(Flashback over)

It paid well but my contract was for another few months, everyone thinks I'm still aspiring to be a hero yet haven't I even lost that right?

Should I give up? I sighed and laid down in my bed
How disappointed would they all be that this is my secret life out of school? Todoroki though we still fight now we're close and can deal with each other. Me Uraraka were good friends to.

But I would also loose that if my job got out

I sighed eventually my vision getting blacked out and darkness overcoming my busy mind,


Opening my eyes I stared into darkness nothing was around me. That's when Deku appeared from the shadows a look of disgust on her face, orbs instead of the lively emerald now they were a dead, grieving red

"Tch you're so disgusting Katsuki, first you kill me and now this?? Haha you sad waste of air." I sighed knowing she was right

I can't defend myself against her

I won't win

I can't win

She continued to insult me, kinda reminds me of how I was with her. Looking up at the darkness I sighed once more wounding when this hellish dream would be over. That's when she said something I responded to "I hate you! You should've died in my place after tormenting me like that when I was alive!!" She shrieked I looked back at her

"I know deku"

Was all I could manage, she frowned at me and came closer to me.
She had covered my eyes and then within a split second removed her hand
When she did the darkness was gone and I was in a garden with light. She glared at me but her eyes were a warm emerald like they used to be no longer red

"The hell Kacchan? You took that bull from me without slapping me or something?!?" I frowned at her before looking down "but you are right."

"You really are Deku." She really frowned at me now. "Stand up!" She commanded me I did as said

She slapped me

"That's for being an ass to me."

Then she punched my stomach twice
"That's for giving up and losing yourself"

Then I looked back up at her she ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug while pecking my lips. She and me ended up on the floor she stopped kissing me and looked at me

"That's for being you Kacchan. Stop being this i don't care, I've given up person and no you aren't a horrible person for the job you have the will power to quite and pursue the dream of being a hero...." I looked at her with questioning eyes

"Why deku......why come try and help me?" She scoffed is this really deku

"Well duh this isn't only for you I wanted to smack you and also I kinda wanted to see you." She smiled awkwardly at the end of her sentence

I laughed

"Shit head....." She smiled at me even more "yeah that's the kacchan I know!" I laughed at her....."maybe you're right.....and I can change...." I said looking at my hand which she was now holding "of course you can....."

She noticed this and smiled

"Kacchan, I forgive you and I really do love you even though I'm not here physically" she looked as if tears were about to fall from her eyes

I smiled at her

"I love you to idiot, even though you fucking died on me shit head!But you're still a hero....even though you can't be here with us physically" I grabbed her small shoulders and kissed her I didn't realize but tears were also escaping my eyes.

I closed my eyes in the kiss and a soft voice rang in my ears

"Goodbye don't forget me.....I'm always here. Yet you will always be blind to my presence heh...."


My eyes fluttered open I felt a small smile make its way to my lips. "Wow that idiot actually saved me......even though she's dead."

I walked out and headed towards the grave yard, stopping on a specific grave that belonged to my dear deku the shit head.....

"Thanks deku." I left a small rose on her grave

Before I started walking near my jobs area


"Excuse me but ,Yeah I'm ending this contract sooner than expected."

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