Alternate ending: Goodbye (todoroki)

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Todoroki's pov

We were all waiting in the lobby of the hospital.
It had been maybe a few hours since I found her laying in her own blood......

The doctor eventually opened the door. We all stood up expectantly the doctor looked at us with sad eyes "we tried....I'm so sorry but......she died at 4:00......" Just a minute ago......

I felt tears well up in my eyes

"NO!" I ran past the security and into her room, she lay there......a pale face and her beautiful emerald eyes never to be seen again. I held her hand tears unknowingly flowed down my face

"You wanted to be hero.......please you still have so live for......your dreams everything please get up....GET UP DEKU!!'' She didn't move and inch that's when security came and got me

No ones pov

"DEKU!'' Todoroki's agonizing scream filled the void of silence,

(A year later)

After the incident the group of friends were close. They still went to the same school to fulfill the dream of being a hero in Deku's place.

Todoroki's pov

It was my weekend I act and smile but I'm breaking. I am I can't control myself sometimes when I get hurts knowing she's really gone it's like I'm holding onto the memory of her, the others excepted the fact she's looking at them from in the sky but I can't the thought that she's not hear hurts.

I want to erase her....cause even that hurts less then trying to blame her.

I sighed in my motionless, that's when sleep overcame my overused senses.


my eyes opened to school walls that kept me within the closure, I heard footsteps running towards me. "Todo-kun! I missed you!" I was engulfed in a hug

"D-deku?!" She smiled at me her emerald eyes full of life "Yeah it's me, hah I've been away for some time but I'm back now!" I smiled at her "let's go get some ice-cream" she grabbed my hand and we ran out of the school building. We started to go everywhere, I was truly having fun once again...

But deep down I know this isn't real......huh?

She held my hand and that's when the sun began to set

"Hey Todo-kun you never answered my confession.....I told you I loved you what do you feel?" My eyes widened.....a small painful smile made its way to my lips

I hugged her

"Yes don't be stupid.....I love you too idiot." I held her so close a white knife appeared in my hand.....I buried my face in the crook of her neck.

How I wish this was real.....

"I really do love you Deku.....but we both know this isn't really you. Forgive me...." I stabbed her she held me tighter she wasn't bleeding out yet disintegrating

I felt tears run down my face
She chuckled

"Hey Todokun......don't cry I want you to be happy......for me please?" I nodded "I will.....I promise."


I woke up to my alarm clock,
After cleaning up a big I put on my hoodie and headed to grave yard.

Once I arrived I looked down at the grave in front of me

"Midoriya Izuku......I miss you heh.....but I will be happy not just for you but for me and everyone.....I hope you're happy wherever you are.....but my answer to your confession is yes....yes my dear deku......I love you as well. Now I think I can finally let you go." I placed my green flowers on her grave before smiling and walking away.

"Truly good bye......deku my hero."

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