Invitations and walks home

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Deku's pov

So the day had ended...and I was really tired after that physical save all might , that's when I heard loud footsteps running behind me.....

"OI DEKU!!" I turned around....."H-hi Kacchan!!" Is he mad about earlier?

Kacchan's pov

It was right after that physical task....and the way that, Deku looked at me still wasn't leaving my head....and how she talked back to as well wasn't leaving my head....everything thing about him But not ugly.....just really.....really annoying right...?!? I mean that's the only reason that I sometimes stare at her now!.....Yeah that's it....THE ANNOYINGNESS IS SO GREAT THAT I HAVE TO BE MEAN TO MAKE IT STOP ANNOYING ME!! But why do I feel I kinda screwed up today....with my insult against Deku......why do I feel I have to say sorry.....WHY DO I WANT TO SAY SORRY AND HAVE HER SMILE AT ME GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!


(Time skip to the end of the day)
There she is.....she's walking normal, OK IM JUST GONNA FUCKING SAY IT!!!
"DEKU!!!" She turned around, now she's looking at me.....and SHES WALKING CLOSER. IM GONNA SAY IT IM JUST GONNA DO IT "Hey Kacchan I'm sorry for earlier...." She looked really awkward to the point she was fidgety....I don't know why but I felt my face heat up....

It pissed me off that she said sorry to me!!!.....

Deku's Pov

"Kacchan I'm sorry about earlier....I wasn't mad or anything!!" I said awkwardly that's when his face got really red. "Im NoT FUcKinG SoRrY AbOuT EArLiER!!!!!!" He looked as if he couldn't believe what he just said....his face was so red that the blush went up to his ears.....

'Was he trying to say sorry to me?'

I was really weirded out and I pretty sure it showed in my face.....He looked as if all his efforts just went to waste....
Then I started laughing about the fact the Kacchan that I know was trying to say sorry....."DONT LAUGH AT ME SHIT NERD!!" He me....."It's ok Kacchan I understand!!" I said rubbing my eyes.....then I smiled at him....

"You wanna walk home together I mean we do live really close to each other" I said to him....he just looked at me wide eyed....."Fine but only since we live close to each other!!!" He responded....we were walking when I got a call from Uraraka chan.

Kacchan's pov

I noticed Deku start talking to someone on her phone, I heard her say "Shopping no!!" Then more of the other person talking...."ok fine......but only cause I'm now a girl Uraraka" then I heard what sounded like a yay ....oh god this idiot ....I can't count how many fucking times she's walked in the male changing room....blushed said sorry and ran to the girl's changing room....and now she's going to a mall?!?! What the actual fuck....she's gonna walk in not only the male changing rooms but but the male bathrooms....this is gonna add to her no sense of safety.....

I took the phone from her hands..."Oi Uraraka you better keep a good fucking this idiot and make sure she doesn't fucking walk into any male bathrooms!!!"  Silence....."If you're so worried come with us?" She said confused , that comment made me realize that I'm worried which pissed me off even more....."URARAKA IM NOT WORRIED I JUST!!!!!" I them heard sly giggling....."Oh Bakugou I see you don't want anyone touching your girl or even looking at her, well ya know todo-"

Deku's pov....

Kacchan's face was so red and looked as if blood was start coming from his cheeks.....he handed me my phone back.....and yelled "THIS IS MY FUCKING STOP BYE!!"......and then stomped away...with his hands in pockets

"Uraraka what just happened? What did you do everything was going nice and Kacchan wasn't super angry matter fact we were walking home!!" I heard giggles from her...."Ugh Uraraka!!!" After her laugh  fit....she asked "Hey if we go shopping it will be Momo and Tsyu, can you see if Todoroki or Bakugou wanna come?" I was quite stomped...."Well Kacchan probably won't his pride will get in the way.....and Todoroki I don't think will either because he normally hangs out with his mom...when he has free time....but I'll ask!!" I said reassuringly "ok Deku Chan I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow!!" She hung up

I had gotten home, I called Todoroki

"Hey todo chan I was wondering if you wanna go out tomorrow...I know you hang out with your mom so if you can't I understand!!" I said

"Well...ill ask my mom and...see so maybe....but I have to go right now sorry Izuku"

We said goodbye and then I called Kacchan

He wasn't picking up so I kept him a voice mail....

"Hey Kacchan I hope you get this...but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow!! I understand if you think it's stupid and don't wanna come though, please give me an answer soon bye!!"

That was so awkward....well now all I have to do is


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