Id rather

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Deku's pov

When I spoke everyone.....looked so hurt and shocked sorry guys but this really is for the better I wanted to tell them....but I knew I couldn't I hate this world, how unfair it is. I hate all of it I can't believe that I once thought it wasn't I want to eliminate the right of calling me they're friend....they deserve someone that's not this weak.

That's when Shou pulled me into a sudden hug.....I could tell he was hurting he didn't want to see me like this. Truth is I wanted to embrace him back and cry, but I no longer could....not if I want to finish this task I've given myself. I pushed him away "Get off of me...I don't care if you stay here but I have a task to complete, so maybe it'd be best not to." I was saying the opposite of what I actually wanted....."NO IZUKU ARE YOU STUPID?!? WE ALL KNOW SOMETHING HAPPENED IZUKU YOU IDIOT!!!" I know Kacchan was trying to bring me back to my senses. But all my senses are gone sorry.. "No Katsuki sorry but I really do have to go if you would excuse me." I pushed past them and headed towards my house....

That's when I turned around...."Uraraka you really where my best friend.....I'm sorry." She yelled "Aren't we still best friends?!?! You know that I care please!!!" I know she was crying but there's no way I could see her sad face so I kept my back to her. I felt something wet streak down my face.....maybe I do have tears left.....but I refuse to use them, i wiped it then continued to walk.

No ones pov

Everyone stood there dumbfounded was that really Izuku?....."Something really bad happened...." Uraraka muttered. "Let's go in the hospital and find out...." Todoroki mummers still shocked. They made their way into the hospital....they found the doctor and soon they understood what had happened and why Izuku changed like this, "You....know who she's looking for huh?" Todoroki said his eyes showed fear. Uraraka nodded though "Yeah she's going to find Shigaraki...what do you think she's gonna do if she finds him though.....I really hope...she won't...." Uraraka's sentence trailed off but Katsuki looked up "Shes gonna kill him and trust me.....she's gonna feel amazing when she does it, she will no longer be the Izuku we know if we allow her to go through with this." Uraraka's eyes widened and Katsuki's words..."We can't lose her!! We have to save her..." Todoroki stood there his hair covering his face ...he wasn't saying anything "Todoroki.....? Are you ok.....?" Uraraka tried to touch him.

He looked up at Uraraka his face molded into that of anxiety, worry and a deep sadness "Yeah I'm fine....." She could see him swallow in fear....."Todoroki we're gonna save her......we're gonna help her....but we need your help!" He nodded "Yes....of course I'll help what about you Bakugou?" He said sternly as if making a truce with an enemy "Yeah....ill help that idiot..." They all kind of huddled around each other

"How are we gonna do this....?"

Deku's pov

I let my hair down.....I had brought my costume my hero costume.....I'm not gonna sully it with that monsters blood I thought to myself. I got up and walked to the closet oddly there was a suit......heh I'll wear this I could tell this might've been my dad's hmm trash for trash . I put it on..hmmm I never knew this suit was here maybe there's other things to. I began to search and search that's when after maybe 40-50 minutes of searching I found a suit case I opened it I found multiple daggers, knives and syringes loaded with some green chemical.

Heh.....This is gonna make things interesting

Slight Change (fem Deku fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن