Festival pt 1

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A lot of people were at Momo's house waiting for the festival to begin already

But for some odd reason my mind....couldn't stop thinking about Todokun and Kacchan. My heart started to pound I felt my face flush, why is this happening to me I can't stand it!! I was sitting in the living room with Kacchan, Todokun and Tsu.....god help me. I can't think straight I feel like my heart is about to explode.....that's when Todokun came up to me

"Hey Midoriya your face is really red, also you've been unusually quiet for a few days? Are you ok....know that I'm here for you, wait your face is even redder do you.....have a fever?" Todokun asked, then touched my forehead and got really close to my face...he was so close his lips looked soft.....I want to touch them...I want to- NO WHAT WAS I ABOUT TO THINK IM GETTING HOT MY FACE IS TURNING EVEN REDDER I HAVE TO THINK FAST OH GOD PLEASE HELP ANYONE?!? I started to panic

I sent Tsu a face of please help me she understood what was happening.....she ran towards me and pulled me away from Todokun. Even though I asked for it I really didn't want to leave Todokun, we ran to Momo and Uraraka "H-hey girls something up? O-oh my Izuku your face is red!!" I blushed even more "It is?!?" I felt Momo put her hand on my my forehead "You're not sick....so?" I blushed my mind went back to Todokun and Kacchan......what's wrong with me?!?! Why can't I stop thinking about them?!? That's when Tsu went up to Momo "I think I'll take her to the bathroom so she can rinse her face with cold water." I gave her a look of pure thanks

We started to walk out "So um Midoriya wanna tell me what all that was about?" Tsu asked curiously I just looked down "W-well I um.....I really don't know..." I asked confused myself. She tilted her head "What do you mean you don't know?" I blushed "Well....I don't I was thinking about Todokun and Kacchan, then that happened" Tsu's face turned into shocking realization....."Well Midoriya was anything else happening when Todokun went up to you?" I quickly nodded "Yeah....my heart was pounding at a really fast rate..." She hugged me "You're to innocent Midoriya chan...." She poked my face "Did you ever think that you like Todoroki and Bakugou as more than friends?" I looked at her curiously "Like best friends?" She shook her head no then whispered in my ear "As boyfriends like crushes....?" I turned red and backed away "W-WHAT?!" She chuckled

"You're so cute" she hugged me "Listen I'll give you advice on seeing if you like them like that....." I slowly nodded. She again whispered in my ear "Hug them.....if your heart starts to pound and you don't want to let go then you like like them and if it doesn't then you consider them as good friends...." I blushed but nodded "O-ok I'll do it" Tsu acts like a mom sometimes....


Ok there was Todokun and Kacchan!! I have to do this. I peeped around the corner when I felt Tsu push me, I turned around to see her giving me a thumbs up. I went up to Todokun "M-Midoriya are you ok? What happe-" I hugged him tightly.....


My hearts pounding!!!! I don't want to let go of him,.......WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!? NO LIKE SERIOUSLY I MEAN I CANT THERES NO WAY I DONT WANT TO BELIEVE THIS!!!!

I let him go stumbling back a bit.....He looked so confused......I ran to go find Kacchan,
I found him....

"OI shit nerd what do you wa-" I hugged him......

NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOO WHY, WHY IS MY HEART POUNDING AND I ALSO DONT WANT TO LET GO OF HIM. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME....oh my god I said hell NOOOOO am I even allowed  to say that. In frustration I didn't realize I started to bear hug him "OI D-DEKU LET G-GO!!!" He sounded embarrassed and like he was losing his breath. I quickly let go stumbled back and fell on my butt. He stuck his hand out towards me to help me up, but with what I just realized and being in a panic I crawled away from him, and ran (like sanic ~authors note)

"TSUYU HELP ME HELP ME HELP MOM-" I found her and she heard that last part "Aww did you just call me mom?" I blushed a thousand shades of red "So how'd it go?" She asked curiously "I LIKE THEM, I CANT BELIEVE IT BUT I LIKE THEM!!! she smiled "I knew it!!!" Uraraka popped out of the corner along with Momo "These two were in on it?!?" I said shocked Tsu nodded "Yes I felt Uraraka had to know I mean she is your best friend and Momo is good with this type of thing! Plus they won't tell or else" she gave them a death glare. They laughed and hugged me, as I made a pouty face

"aww Izuku your so cute!!! We'll discuss what to do on the way to my room but for now get you into your Yukata!!" They said happily...as I just squirmed

This festival is going to have unexpected events isn't it?

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