One heck of a night

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Deku's pov
I woke up to find myself hugging Todoroki, even though I as fully aware of what I was doing....I nuzzled myself into his chest. She's so warm....and it's cold I found his arm pull me closer....a few more minutes yeah.....

I fell asleep

Todoroki's pov
When I woke up to find Midoriya hugging me I couldn't help but blush 'I stayed here all night I can't imagine my dad....he's going to be upset....but it was worth it....' I looked at my hand and touched my face....'this burn....him I....' My thoughts were interrupted by Izuku waking up "Todo're so warm..." I felt her grip my shirt....then she suddenly blushed "O-OH!!!" And got up.....

Deku's pov

The week went on and soon it was mom with her new job seemed more tired lately so when I came home she was asleep on the couch....I decided to put her in a bed, tuck her in and go do the grocery shop. I put on some reasonable cloths and left

I found myself in the frozen area.....that's when a man tapped me on the shoulder

"Oh excuse me-" I looked at his face....he looked like me, he had darker green hair, a little beard hair and a laid back face....."Ha your still as weak as ever? What do you need you daddy? Oh wait I am you dad but there's no way I'd go home to you...." The man said coldly..... I felt the bag I was holding drop "You and your mom are both so weak....but your just useless....I bet everyone hates you they don't need you, your nothing but a problem"

I fell to the ground....."W-who....?" He just frowned "So fucking weak! Tch" and walked off.....I felt like a huge part of me was really damaged....I couldn't think straight on the walk home.....Was he I just a problem..." I bumped into someone...."OI!!! Oh it's you shit nerd...." It was Kacchan, his face turned into distress "Hey what's wrong?!" I snapped out of my state....My eyes widened "W-what?" I felt my face and felt tears...."O-oh...." He started laughing "Did you seriously not realize you were crying?! That's why you're a shit nerd and useless can't even understand your crying!!"

Useless? Am I? Was he right?

I looked up at Kacchan "Hey am I just a problem?" I asked with a deep pain...."What do you mean?" I looked up at him "Well you think I bother people more than help?"  He looked confused at the fact I wasn't smiling, I felt tears stream down my face. I quickly rubbed my face, looked at him smiled "O-oh never mind!!" He grabbed me "Your disobeying me again!!! I said to fucking tell your friends, fucking tell me!!!" He blushed immediately at what he said "Kacchan? It's fine really...." Both of his hands were on my shoulders "YOURE DISOBEYING ME HOW DARE YOU!!"

That's when I saw him again "Are you trying to help my little shit of a daughter?" Kacchan and I both stared at the owner of the voice "H-hey!!! Kacchan can you walk me home!!! Let's go home please!!" I began to tug on his shirt "Why are you so eager for me to walk you home? And who the hell is this guy?!" I didn't want.....

To seem scared in front of my supposed dad.....but I wanted to leave I didn't want to face him....."Kacchan!!! I want to go home now!!!" I felt tears prick my I desperately began to try to make Kacchan move, he shook me off

"Wow are you that scared of only a few a words? See worthless!!" He yelled at me...

Bakugou's pov
I looked at Deku she began to cover her ears and scream at this man...."please leave me alone!!!! Shut up I get I'm weak!!!" She was crying badly....worse than I've ever made her upset me "OI you fucker I don't know who you are and I also don't know your connection to Deku!! But all I care about is you shutting the fuck up" he pushed past me and went towards Deku "I can teach you how to become not so worthless...... " she dropped the bag she was carrying "I SAID SHUT UP!!!" She punched him with her quirk "SHUT UP!!!" She screamed I was wide eyed.....she's never behaved like that no matter the situation then it clicked....."your quirk is loss of control over emotions" is aid he just nodded

He smiled "Yes your smart even though you don't look it" I was furious "WHAT THE HELLS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!?" He laughed, he was holding her punch "Heh your strong but weak as well you stopped last minute when punching me." She just looked upset. "Bye kid." With that he walked into the night "HEY ASSHOLE GET BACK HERE YOU DON'T SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO YOUR KID!!" I began to speed walk after him, Deku stuck out her arm to block me...."Oh by the way kid I ain't your dad he's much worse." with that he was gone,...."Tch mother fuck-" I felt Deku hug me tightly "Please just hug me back Kacchan...." I heard her mumble even though it was hard for me and I knew my face was a bright red I hugged "I'm so happy I don't have anger issues!!" She said happily into my chest "Yeah me to...." I tried to imagine an upset ended up being hilarious in my head....I kind almost laughed but had to hold it in...

I walked her home in the end....

I said goodbye to her and walked off....

"this was a hell of a night"

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