Our Newest Member

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Cody opened the door and walked in first.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Hey Cody." I heard Maxx reply.

"Hey dude, why were you out so-" Zach cut himself short as he noticed me walk in.

"Who's that?"

The guys looked up from their video game and at me. Maxx paused the game and I shuffled my feet shyly.

"Guys, meet (Y/n)." Cody introduced with a bright smile.

I waved shyly as Cody continued.

"I bumped into her today and found out she's a fan." He said.

The guys beamed.

"Nice ta meet ya (Y/n)." Dan smiled.

"H-Hey Dan." I replied quietly.

The boys exchanged excited glances at one another and looked back at Cody.

"Where'd you two meet?" Austin asked.

"It's kind of a long story, I'll tell you later." Cody said, waving it off. "But good news is this girl's played...how many? Four? Yeah, four different instruments throughout her life, and I think I've found us a new baritone saxophone player."

He smiled brightly and pulled me into a side hug.

"Four different instruments?" Dan asked in shock.

"What instruments?" Austin asked.

"It's nothing to be proud of, really." I replied softly. "I've played piano, clarinet, alto sax and bari sax before; bari being my main instrument. But each one is so closely related so...I'm not too proud of myself or anything."

"Dawww, look at this little cutie~ Being so humble~" Maxx teased.

I blushed and focused on my feet.

I felt Cody squeeze my shoulder, causing me to look back up at him. He gave a reassuring smile and I returned a bright one.

"Oooooh! Cody's got a cruush~" Dan teased in a sing-song voice.

Cody blushed and looked back at him.

"Just shut up already!" He yelled.

I giggled, turning all attention to me.

"You sound like a Tsundere." I said between giggles.

"A what?" Zach asked.

I stopped giggling and looked back up at him. "A Tsundere! It's someone who won't admit their feeling to another person, and can kind of be cold about it at first. Then they'll slowly warm up to their crush and- Well you know where that goes."

Everyone nodded, though still unsure of my explanation.

"Anyways, welcome to the band, (Y/n)." Austin smiled.

I beamed and nodded enthusiastically. "Thanks for letting me join! I'm a huge fan of your music, bought the first album a couple days after it came out, too."

"Wow, you were there since the beginning." Dan said.

"Yup!" I giggled. "Anyways, what'cha guys playin'?"

I walked around everyone on the floor and sat down on the couch.

"Oh! It's the newest Mario Kart game. I forget what it's called though..." Austin replied.

"Dude, the DVD's like right there. Just look at that." Zach replied, motioning to the DVD resting on the coffee table nearby.

"Nah, 'm too lazy." He shrugged, un-pausing the game.

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