Chapter 8

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Turning a corner they see Jisung walking their way, texting on his phone as he ran into random people in the halls. Despite bumping into almost everyone, Jisung's smile never left his face. Glancing up from his phone, he immediately saw Felix and ran up to him, "Hey Felix! What's that?" He pointed to the sandwich bag.

"I went to the new sandwich place, thought you might be hungry after your test. Was it hard?" Felix responded, stopping in his tracks to talk to Jisung. He handed Jisung the sandwich, who smiled brightly back at him. Changbin wasn't sure if he should stick around or not.

"Yeah it was pretty difficult. Took up the entire lunch period," Jisung lied, making Changbin roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Catch you later," Changbin said to Felix, lightly smacking his head one more time before leaving the two.

Felix rubbed his head, watching the boy walk away from him, "Geez, what's his problem?" He shook his head, in hopes that it would make the pain go away, and looked back at Jisung, "Let's go to class."

"Felix, I gotta ask," Jisung started as the bell rang for class to start, "Why were you hanging out with Changbin?"

"You were taking a test so I couldn't bother you, Seungmin and Hyunjin weren't in the cafeteria and I wasn't going to walk around the whole school to find them, and he looked lonely," Felix explained. "What's so wrong with me hanging out with him anyways?"

Jisung shook his head. "He seems like the type of person to get you in serious trouble. I'm just trying to look out for you."

"I'm tough enough to take care of myself thank you very much," Felix said emphasizing the end. Jisung looked at Felix with a looked that asked if he was serious. Crossing his arms, Felix stood his ground trying to show that he's tough.

Jisung couldn't help but laugh at him. "No offense Felix, but how can you stand your ground when you can barely talk to someone you've never meet before?"

Felix dropped his arms down to his sides. Along with his arms, his head dropped so he was looking at the floor. "I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself just fine." He mumbled.

Softly, Jisung patted Felix's head. "As long as I'm your friend I will always take care of you. Even if one day you suddenly become a social butterfly with the muscles of a kangaroo." He said.

Felix lifted his gaze from the floor and up to Jisung. "Seriously? Is the only reason you said kangaroo because I'm Australian?" Felix asked.

"N-no," Jisung cleared his throat. "Kangaroos are really strong and they aren't afraid to take a swing at anything that comes their way." Felix shook his head and walked to his classroom.

"Whatever. See you later," Felix said, waving goodbye without turning around.

Glad to be out of that semi-awkward situation, Jisung walked to his next class. Lucky him has to go to gym now.


Seungmin and Hyunjin had their last two classes together. Out of all of their classes, those were the only ones the two would always go to.

Once they entered the classroom, they went straight to the back. Another reason they liked the two classes was there was no seating chart. Often times they would show up early to class to make sure they got the back table.

The table was wide enough for two people to sit at, but there were hardly any times you could see space between the boys. On many occasions, one of their peers would ask if they were dating. Every time they responded with the same answer, that they were just really close friends.

But there's always that one person that doesn't believe it and continues to ask questions. The duo was so used to it by now, it never bothered them. They also understood that people were just curious, so they never got annoyed by it either.

Before the late bell rang, the teacher took roll. Getting bored already, Hyunjin rested his head on Seungmin's shoulder. He grabbed one of Seungmin's free hands and drew random shapes on it with his finger.

Seungmin smiled softly at the older boy. He turned his attention back to what the teacher was talking about. Hyunjin often had difficult times paying attention in this class. So, Seungmin made sure he paid attention well so he could help his friend later.

They've been doing this routine since they meet. Seungmin didn't mind nor did Hyunjin. It meant that they would have an excuse to hang out after school. On the rare occasion that Hyunjin paid attention, they would lie and say they needed to study for an upcoming test.

They wouldn't have to lie about what they were doing, but Seungmin's parents want him to focus on school. They don't want Seungmin to turn out like his sister. She dropped out halfway through her junior year. Due to not having a degree, she has limited job options which don't pay well. She works at a run-down pizzeria as the custodian. Making less than minimum wage has forced her to live in the basement of their parents' house.

More than often his parents pressure pushed Seungmin to far. Whenever that happened he would pack a bag and go to Hyunjin's house. There, he is able to relieve some of his stress.

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