Chapter 3

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Finally, the bell for the end of class rang. Jisung already had all his stop packed and was telling Felix to hurry up. As for Changbin, he was out of the classroom when the bell rang. No matter what the occasion was, he makes sure he arrives there on time.

Felix and Jisung slowly made their way to their next classes. They only had one class together this semester. They got to Jisung's class and he said goodbye and the friends parted ways.

Changbin was the first to get to class. Like always, he sat in the far back right corner. He sat down and looked around. The teacher wasn't in the classroom and students started to slowly file in. The seats began to fill up in sections. Friends sat by friends and those who didn't have friends in that class sat as far apart from anyone else as possible.

Right as the late bell rang, a familiar blonde haired boy walked into the room. He scanned the room to find an empty seat he could take. The only seat that was open was the one next to Changbin. Felix made his way to the back of the classroom. As he was walking, a few of his peers would say hi or ask how he was doing.

Changbin watched as Felix made his way over to the desk. He scoffed softly to himself. "Look at that. The teacher's pet returns," Changbin mumbled to quietly so he was the only one who heard.

Taking a seat at the desk, Felix looked around to see where the teacher was. This would be the first time that he would be late. Taking this as an opportunity, Felix pulled out his phone to look at none other than memes.

Glancing over, Changbin saw what Felix was looking at. He rolled his eyes before taking out his notebook. Turning to a new page he wrote on the top, "Blonde haired teacher's pet." For as long as he could remember, Changbin would take notes on people around him. Often they were questions. And more than often, those questions remained unanswered.

Underneath the title, Changbin jotted down some questions.


-Who's his friend?

-Why does everyone either know/ like him?

The sound of the door opening interrupted Changbin's thoughts. The teacher walked in and apologized for being late. Immediately he started taking role. It got to Felix's name and he responded loudly.

Picking back up his pen, Changbin answered one of his questions. By getting the answer to one, another question appeared.

-Name? Lee Felix.

-Who's his friend?

-Why does everyone either know/like him?

-Felix isn't a traditional Korean name, is he a foreigner?

The teacher began to explain today's agenda. A few disapproving groans were heard throughout the class. This didn't affect the teacher. He waved it off and walked over to his desk to do his own work.


Felix wanted to go home. After what happened during his first class, he wished the ground would spring up and just swallow him whole. He had never willingly stood up and been the center of attention just to help a random kid he doesn't even know. Felix never planned on stepping in to begin with, however, he was feeling extremely guilty. This new guy, Changbin, was the one getting picked on for sleeping in class while Felix simply got away with it.

Before the class ended, Felix regretted his decision to help out the new kid. If Changbin was looking for friends, that action in class might lead him to lean toward Felix. That would soon lead him to befriending Jisung, resulting in Felix losing the bet. Felix concluded that he might have to avoid Changbin, soon being dismayed at the fact that he was forced to sit beside him in his next class.

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