Under Reconstruction

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So, this story is a mess and so are we (the two people who are writing this). We just barely sorted out the details of the story and added a whole bunch of stuff. We have decided to reconstruct the story before we proceed so we can make it more entertaining for you. We won't delete anything as of now and will work on finishing the story before we start publishing the changes.

Worry not, the plot is the same, the ships are the same, and the story will stick to the script. However, there are some plot holes we want to get rid of and history of characters that we want to bring attention to in the story.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and we hope you'll stick by us until the end of the story. We will work on it as quickly as possible so you guys don't have to wait as long.

For now, the plan is to write the story completely before publishing it so when we come back, you can expect to have frequent updates, since the story will already be finished.

We will try to come back as soon as possible!


- The Authors

One Week [Under Reconstruction]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें