Chapter 21

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After checking the time, Seungmin decided that it was time for them to start heading to
the place they decided to have lunch at. Since neither of them could drive and both of Hyunjin’s
parents were at work, the duo had to walk.
After a short argument about who would bring money to help pay for lunch, they headed
out. It was a relatively long walk, but neither of them minded. That was just more time that they
would be with each other. The entire time they held on to the others hand.
As they walked down the street, they got weird looks. They knew it was because they
were two teenage boys holding hand, but they liked to think it was because they were two
teenage boys that were supposed to still be in school right now.
After much debate with himself, Minho decided that it was time to get up and get ready.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go see Seungmin, but rather that he was having a lovely moment
with his TV and the couch. Eventually Minho got up. He got up slowly, but he did get up and
that’s all that matters.
Thinking that Jisung would tag along with Seungmin and Hyunjin, he decided to just
head to the shop. Five minutes later, Minho got in his car and started the short drive to the small
sandwich shop they decided to go to. Minho never liked being in a car alone. It was always to
quiet for him, even if he had his music so loud that the speakers were on the verge of exploding.
Surprisingly, Seungmin and Hyunjin were the first ones at the shop. Walking to a table in the
back, they sat down and waited for Jisung and Minho. They sat side by side like they always do
with Seungmin to the right of Hyunjin. Hyunjin held onto Seungmin’s hand with his head on his
shoulder. As for Seungmin, he was scrolling through Instagram. Every so often, Seungmin
would find something funny and show Hyunjin.
The sound of the front door bell ringing, caught their attention. Looking up, Seungmin saw the
familiar face of his best friend. Not even a second later, Seungmin was confused. Minho was
here, but Jisung was nowhere in sight. Why wasn’t Jisung here?
Minho sat down in front of Seungmin and smiled at the two boys in front of him. “Hey, sorry I
was late,” he said. Since Minho didn’t see Jisung sitting with the other two, he figured that he
was just in the bathroom.
“Hey, where’s Jisung?” Seungmin asked immediately.
“I thought he was here with you.”
Both Seungmin and Hyunjin shook his head. “Nope. Neither of us have seen him all day.”
Hyunjin said.
Minho tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. “But Seungmin, don’t you have your first hour
with Jisung? Did he not go to school today or something?” Minho didn’t know that Seungmin
ditched half of his day just to be with Hyunjin.
Hyunjin looked up at Seungmin. Seungmin’s cheeks were slightly red. “Well…um… I didn’t
exactly go to my first hour today…or my other two classes,” Seungmin said. “But that’s not
what’s important right now. We are talking about Jisung right now.” He quickly added.
Minho didn’t want to get on Seungmin’s bad side, but he also didn’t mind talking about his
boyfriend. “So, neither of you know if he went to school today?” The two boys shook their head.
“Then where could he be? He told me that he was excited to come have lunch with us today.”
Minho honestly didn’t want to think about it too much. He just wanted to have a good time with
his best friend. So, that’s what he’s going to do. “You know what? Forget about it. I’ll talk to him
later.” He said.
Hyunjin and Seungmin looked at each other, then at Minho. Even though they don’t hang out
that much, Seungmin could tell that this was really out of character for Minho, especially when
he was talking about Jisung. The two boys knew better than to press on about it, so they quickly
changed the subject.
Jisung was on his way to the back of the school. From there, he would walk to the sandwich
shop. It wasn’t too far from the school, so it would only take a couple minutes to get there.
As soon as he stepped out the door, he felt someone grab him by his shoulder. Glancing behind
him, he was greeted with the cold stare of Changbin. Immediately, Jisung ripped his shoulder
out of the older boy’s grip. “What do you want?” Jisung asked harshly.
Changbin glared back at Jisung. “What the hell did you do to Felix?” Changbin asked.
Jisung started to walk away from him, but Changbin was not ready to end the conversation. He
followed after Jisung and, yet again, grabbed Jisung’s shoulder once again.
“Let go of me already!” Jisung snapped at Changbin. This didn’t faze Changbin at all. He kept
his grip on Jisung’s shoulder. He wasn’t about to let Jisung get away from him without getting an
“I’m going to ask one more time, what did you do to Felix?” Changbin asked again. This time he
was more pissed off and showed it in his tone. He wasn’t angry at the fact that Jisung wasn’t
answering him, but that he clearly did something to Felix and isn’t doing anything to resolve it.
Jisung tried to push Changbin’s hand off his shoulder, but ultimately failed. “It’s none of your
business. So, stop trying to make yourself involved.” Jisung said coldly. Jisung ripped his
shoulder quickly out of Changbin’s grasp.
Once again, Changbin followed Jisung. He was not going to give easily. For the third time,
Changbin grabbed Jisung’s shoulder. This time Jisung was expecting it. Turning around, he
grabbed Changbin by the collar of his hoodie. “Listen, this doesn’t concern you so stop trying to
get involved. If it did, Felix would have told you-” Jisung was caught off by the o-too familiar
sound of someone clearing their throat.
Slowly, he let go of Changbin’s collar and turned around. Standing behind them was the
principal himself. “Of course it’s you who is getting in trouble, Han Jisung,” he began. “Both of
you my office. Now.” Being the principal, he had a strong authority to his voice. Both Changbin
and Jisung stared at the ground. Even though they were in the same situation, they were having
completely different thoughts.
All Jisung could think about was how disappointed Minho will be with him. Not just because he
was supposed to go out to lunch with him and never showed up, but also because he got in
trouble. Just yesterday he promised that he wouldn’t get in trouble. Now look where we was.
He’s on his way to the principal’s office.
As for Changbin, he was only thinking about how awful a friend Jisung was to Felix. What type
of person hurts their so called “best-friend” and then not apologize? Of course, Changbin knew
he wasn’t the best person either, but at least half the time he was being rude to Felix, he was
rude back in some way.
The small walk to the principal’s office felt like it took hours. The silence making the situation
uncomfortable for the two teen boys. Neither of them looked up at each other nor at the
Seungmin wasn’t sure how to start this conversation. He didn’t want to say anything that could
jeopardize Minho’s relationship, but he also wanted answers. Hyunjin reached over and
squeezed Seungmin’s hand, not caring about the questionable look they were getting from
Although Minho was confused, he figured there was a reason why Seungmin and Hyunjin’s
relationship was such a hot topic at school. He simply concluded that the way they’re acting
right now is normal for them, and that’s why people get the wrong idea. He trusted that Jisung
didn’t lie to him about Seungmin’s relationship.
“So, Minho. There’s something I wanted to ask you,” Seungmin started, receiving Minho’s full
undivided attention, “I understand that you were, um, worried about me and, uh, my friendship
with Hyunjin. But I wanted to ask why you couldn’t just have Jisung ask me about it personally.”
Minho’s mind suddenly shifted from the uniqueness of Seungmin’s relationship with Hyunjin to
Jisung. He had no idea what Seungmin was talking about. How could Jisung get the information
if he didn’t speak to Seungmin about it?
“I’m not following, Jisung didn’t talk to you?” Minho asked, completely clueless. Seungmin and
Hyunjin looked at each other before averting their attention back to Minho.
“Yeah, he just asked Jeongin,” Hyunjin spoke, “Which is completely fine but it was just
confusing why he didn’t just come talk to us instead.”
“We thought that Jisung might think we would lie to him, since he ended up asking Jeongin,”
Seungmin shrugged, “I would’ve told Jisung the truth but I’m just confused.”
Minho rose an eyebrow at the two, “Who’s Jeongin?”
Seungmin sighed. It seemed that Minho had no idea what happened. This could take a while.

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