Chapter 5

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Changbin watched Felix as he left the room. He put his backpack on and walked out of the classroom. Even though it was his first day, he knew his way around the school pretty well. Along with his schedule came a map, so he traced a route that would be easy to remember and followed that.

Changbin got to his next class a minute before the bell rang. He started walking to the back before someone called his name. Turning around with a glare, he saw Felix's friend from first hour waving him over. Reluctantly he walked over to the table and sat down.

Jisung smiled and introduced himself as soon as Changbin sat down. "My name's Jisung. We have first hour together. You might remember me as the kid that kept getting in trouble. Yeah, that happens a lot. But it's- "

"Did I ask?" Changbin said while giving Jisung an ice-cold glare. Slightly taken aback Jisung laughed it off.

"I figured since we will be sitting together that we should at least know each other's names," he explained.

Changbin didn't care about anything Jisung was saying. "How about this instead, you don't talk to me and I don't talk to you? That way we won't need to know each other's names."

Jisung turned away from Changbin and looked at the front board. Why does he put up such a big defense? Getting Changbin to befriend him just got a whole lot harder.

The bell to start class rang and instantly the teacher stood up to start the lesson. Out of all of his classes ever, this was the only one that Jisung paid attention in.

Whatever the teacher wrote on the board, Jisung wrote it in his notebook. Whenever the teacher would talk about something important, Jisung wrote it down.

Changbin on the other hand couldn't care less. He took out his notebook and began doodling. This notebook was almost full. Changbin made note to go to the store and buy another one.

Despite falling asleep in his first class, Changbin had concluded that the class he's in right now is the most boring class he'd ever been in. Not only was he uninterested in the topic, but he didn't have anything to distract himself with. His notebook was almost full, his phone is dead, and there's no shy, sassy boy he can tease. Much to his dismay, he actually found himself actually wanting to be in his second class next to Felix rather than where he was right now.

A small vibration caused Changbin to avert his attention from his notebook. He subtly glanced over at Jisung, who quickly pulled out his phone and did his best to keep it hidden. Changbin couldn't make out the name of the person who sent the message, but saw 3 hearts beside it. A girlfriend, maybe? Jisung quickly opened the message.

"Are you free for lunch? I can't wait till after school to see you."

Changbin rolled his eyes at the cheesy message. He was sure that whoever it was could wait until after school. It's only a few hours difference, you two don't need to be with each other every second of every day. If anyone Changbin dated acted like that, he'd drop them in a second.

Jisung had a completely different reaction. He was grinning widely, feeling a sense of warmth as butterflies soared through his stomach. Jisung stared at the message for a while, irritating Changbin. 'Just answer the damn message already.' As if Jisung had heard Changbin's thought, he quickly typed a response.

"Yeah I'm free, just come pick me up. I'll go to the back doors."

Pick him up? Does his girlfriend not go to this school? Does she have a car? Changbin was confused at the situation, but decided not to dwell on it. He didn't care about Felix's friend anyway, so it's not his business. Suddenly, Jisung got another message. This time however, it was from someone else. Changbin tried to read the name that wasn't written in Hangul.

'Aussie Boy Felixxx'

Changbin didn't have to know English to understand who it was. Jisung quickly opened the message, which was thankfully in Korean.

"Are we checking out the new sandwich shop for lunch?"

Suddenly, Changbin was interested in this drama. Jisung typed a quick response saying he had a test to take during lunch. Liar.

Felix responded soon, "After school then?"

Jisung just said he was busy before locking his phone and putting it away. Changbin tried to put together all the pieces he had discovered. Jisung seemed to be dating someone. He lied to Felix about what he's doing so maybe Felix either doesn't know about Jisung's relationship or doesn't approve of it. Also, the person Jisung is supposedly dating seems to be older than him, since Jisung wanted them to pick him up.

Well, it doesn't matter, Changbin didn't really care anyway. As class went on, he didn't think about Jisung and his cheesy girlfriend or whatever, he actually found himself thinking about what Felix would do for lunch since Jisung was ditching him.

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