Chapter 7

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Felix slowly ate his sandwich. The atmosphere around the table was awkward. Changbin was still wondering why Felix sat with him. Everyone in this school likes him. He could've sat at any table and be fine, so why did he sit with him?

There was no way Changbin was going to eat this garbage they called food. He got up and threw away his food. He would've just let, but he forgot his bag at the table.

Changbin quickly walked back over to grab his bag. Felix noticed that he was done eating and gathered his stuff to go with Changbin. "Where are you off to?" Felix asked trying to catch up to Changbin.

Changbin walked faster. "Does it matter?" He replied, annoyance clear in his voice. Felix caught up to Changbin and was walking right beside him.

"I guess not. But you don't have to be so rude about it. If you don't want me around, then say so." Felix said. He looked over at Changbin slightly hoping that he wouldn't say anything.

Glancing over, he saw Felix staring at him. He smacked him across the head and said, "Stop staring at me, alright?" Felix nodded slowly while rubbing the back of his head.

Felix looked down at the floor. Neither of the two said another word. Felix continued to follow Changbin through the halls, glancing at him every once in a while.

After 10 minutes of wandering, Felix started getting bored. "Why are we just wandering around?" Felix looked back over at Changbin.

"New student, first day. Remember?" Changbin answered. Feeling someone looking at him, Changbin smacked Felix on the back of the head again. "What did I say about staring at me?"

Felix rubbed the back of his head again while mumbling a quiet apology.


The couple finished their food and were just talking. "How's your friend Felix doing?" Minho asked. Every once in a while, Jisung will talk about his foreign friend. Minho's never meet him, but he didn't think much about the reason why.

Jisung shrugged. "He's doing fine. His Korean is improving slowly, but surely. He still has issues with being the center of attention, but I'm sure he'll get used to it by being my friend."

Minho chuckled softy at the last part. "Don't get yourself in trouble while doing so," he said.

Pretending to be hurt by that, Jisung covered his heart with his hand. "Me? Get in trouble? That would never happen," Jisung said sarcastically.

"Seriously though, I don't want to get a text from you saying that you got suspended for disrupting class...again." Minho said.

"That only happened once. And it wasn't for disrupting class, it was for replacing the coffee beans in the teacher's lounge with black beans," Jisung said trying to defend himself.

Minho raised one of his eyebrows at him as if asking how that helped him. "But that was back in freshman year. I've grown up since then. So, yeah..." Jisung said while trailing off.

Minho smiled widely at his boyfriend. "You know I'm just teasing, right?"

Jisung nodded slowly. "Yeah, I know," he said with a small smile on his face.


Felix continued to follow Changbin through the school, much to the older's dismay. As Felix tried to talk to him, Changbin would either insult him or give a snarky response. Felix didn't mind though, it gave him something to do while Jisung took his test. Felix did have other friends he could go hang out with, but for some reason, bothering Changbin seemed like a much more fun option.

As Felix was telling Changbin random facts about the school, he noticed a very familiar face from across the hall. He stopped in his tracks and waved enthusiastically at the boy, "Seungmin!"

Changbin also halted in his place, looking at Felix confusingly until his eyes casted on a figure making their way towards them. The dark boy could have just walked away, finally getting some peace and quiet, but for some reason, he decided to stick around.

"Hey Felix, who's this?" Seungmin smiled, kindly. Changbin wasn't sure how to feel about this new character. He seemed a little too nice. He couldn't be that bad though, considering he's friends with Felix.

"He's Changbin. So, what're you doing here? Jisung said you were out with Hyunjin today," Felix replied, just as brightly. Changbin thought he might go blind from the sunshine radiating off these two people.

Seungmin slid his hands into his pockets, instantly smiling brighter at the mention of Hyunjin, "Yeah we went to get breakfast together and skipped our first few classes. We came back for lunch though."

As if on cue, someone fairly tall came up from behind Seungmin, embracing him in a tight back hug, "Next time we get caught, I'll be the one ditching you."

"Hi Hyunjin," Felix greeted, waving his hand slightly. Changbin tried to analyze the two new faces. It's not everyday you see an openly gay couple in Korea. That is, if they were dating.

"Hey Felix," Hyunjin mumbled in response, his head digging into Seungmin's shoulder. These two were insanely tall compared to Changbin, but they were anything but intimidating. They seemed like two tall fluff balls.

The bell echoed throughout the halls, indicating there were five minutes until the next class started. They bid their goodbyes and soon, it was just Felix and Changbin again, walking to Changbin's next class.

"So, are those two dating?" Changbin asked, unsure if it was a rude thing to ask or not. He also wanted to bring up the fact that Felix was walking him to class. But he was worried that if he brought it up, Felix would take it as an opportunity to leave.

Felix laughed, "No one really knows."

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