Chapter 24

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Hyunjin tossed his bag on the ground and jumped onto Jeongin's bed. Although it had been a while since he had visited his home, the bed will still familiar and comforting. Hyunjin closed his eyes as he rest his arms above his head. He had certainly been on more comfortable beds before, but he still enjoys Jeongin's bed.

Usually they would hang out as a trio, Jeongin doing his job as the school's source of information while Seungmin and Hyunjin would do their own thing. Sometimes they would help Jeongin out by fetching files for him or reading aloud someone's information. Although Seungmin and Hyunjin have access to all the information Jeongin has, they don't really care about it.

Jeongin sat at his desk, letting Hyunjin have the bed to himself as he span around on his chair, staring at the ceiling. They sat in a comfortable silence before Jeongin spoke, "Seungmin was busy today?"

Hyunjin cracked an eye open to look at his friend before closing it again, "What? I can't just ask to hang out with you instead?"

Jeongin chuckled, "You definitely can, but I know you wouldn't. Did his parents want him home?"

Hyunjin nodded. He didn't know why Jeongin asked questions, since he knows basically everything. Even if Jeongin doesn't directly get information, he can figure out what happened based on the clues surrounding the situation. He knows how close the two friends are and he knows how strict Seungmin's parents can be. For Jeongin, it's not hard to put two-and-two together.

Hyunjin figured Jeongin would make a good detective someday. However, although his skills are good, that doesn't mean he enjoys using them. Perhaps that's why he asks questions, to stop using some of his brain power every now and then.

"Yeah. Do you think his parents don't like me? They said Seungmin can't hang out with me anymore if he didn't go home immediately," Hyunjin asked, not really expecting an answer. He was just speaking his thoughts, not actually looking for a response.

If Seungmin's parents hated Hyunjin, Jeongin would know. Hyunjin knows that he can seriously ask Jeongin the question but, the thing is, Hyunjin is afraid of the answer. It's best to not know because, what would he do if Seungmin's parents actually hated him? How could he deal with it?

Jeongin just shrugged, "I'm not his parents, what do I know?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes before the younger spoke again, "They probably just wanted their son home today. Who knows when the last time they hung out with him was?"

Hyunjin knew Jeongin was right. Since Hyunjin's parents are usually very busy but also very laid-back, he was allowed to hang out with Seungmin whenever. However, things are different on Seungmin's side.

Being with Seungmin was different than being with other friends. Seungmin was special to him and Hyunjin never wants to leave his side. It might be a little selfish, since his own family probably wants to see him, but Hyunjin just can't help it. He wants to be around him all the time; he just loves being with him.

Seungmin wasn't considered just a normal friend to Hyunjin. He didn't know what to call him. But Hyunjin isn't clueless, he knows what he's doing. All the cuddles and cuteness between the two, although it may be totally platonic from Seungmin's side, Hyunjin was a different story.

Hyunjin sighed, catching Jeongin's attention. After a few seconds of silence, the older spoke, "So you know how I feel about Seungmin, right?"

Lazily, Jeongin responded, "Since day one."

"Do you think we'll get anywhere with this?"

Continuing to spin on his chair, Jeongin was silent. Not because he didn't have an answer but because he wondered where this was coming from. He knew of the unspoken feelings between the two, it was obvious, but he didn't think Hyunjin would be asking him about the progression of their relationship.

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