Chapter 4

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Changbin stared at Felix for a moment longer. Is there another way to get him to break? If so, he was determined to find it. Changbin went back to doodling in his notebook. A smirk found its way on to his face.

It wasn't easy to change Changbin's view on you. The fact that Felix changed his view about him in less than 20 minutes amazed Changbin.

Felix stared at the board trying to focus on what was being taught. His mind kept racing about what he said to Changbin. 'How could I say that to someone I don't know? Let alone him. Oh, god if he's mad at me I'm dead.'

For the first time all day, Changbin put away his notebook and listened in on what was happening in class. "Felix, you and Changbin will be partners. Everyone discuss the question on the board, then one person from each pair will tell the class what you talked about. Your five minutes start now."

Felix tensed before turning to face Changbin once again. Changbin looked at him with the same uninterested look as before. Felix wiped his hands on his pants out of nerves. How could he carry on a conversation about politics with Changbin?

Changbin cleared his throat before speaking. "Look, I can tell you don't want to speak with me. So, instead let's pretend we are talking about this shit. Then, when we are called on you can answer."

Felix was taken aback from what Changbin said. Changbin knew that Felix would do what he said. It's just the way his personality is. Little did he know that Felix didn't like to be taken advantage of.

"No," Felix said softly while staring at the floor. Barely being able to hear what he said, Changbin asked for Felix to repeat himself. "I said no. You're not taking the easy way out of this. So, Changbin, what is your opinion on our government?"

Before he could respond a loud buzz was heard throughout the room. Time was up and it was time for each group to say what they talked about.

Felix glared at Changbin before saying, "You're answering this one, tough guy."

As much as Changbin enjoyed Felix's sudden change in attitude, he wasn't about to let Mr. Everyone-Is-Obsessed-With-Me get his way this time. Too many people have fallen to their knees for this guy and Changbin was not going to be included in the bunch. If Felix wanted something out of him, he would need to work for it.

"Felix? Changbin? What did you two come up with?" The teacher asked as she proceeded to write all previous responses on the board.

Changbin relaxes himself in his chair, crossing his arms and tilting his head towards the ceiling, in position to take another nap if he desired it. Felix looked over at the chilled boy before scowling at him, there was no way Changbin would answer the question and Felix knew it.

Turning his attention forward, Felix began to grow anxious. Speaking out in front of an entire class was bad during the first class, now he has to do it again? This is all Changbin's fault.

Felix stood up cautiously, "I, uh.." Not only could he not get the words out, he didn't even know how to answer the question. What does he know about the government? He's a foreigner. If he was in Australia, he could easily answer this question. But now he's in Korea. How is he supposed to answer this? "Um.. Well."

This was pathetic for Changbin to watch. If it were any other person, Changbin would stand up and take the spotlight from him. Why? Because believe it or not, Changbin is actually a nice guy. But for some reason, he wanted to see Felix handle this himself.

"Go on.." the teacher spoke, growing impatient and the delay of the answer. Felix's palms were clammy, making him wipe them against his jeans, only to have the sweat gather again. He tried to look at what the teacher wrote on the board, in hopes to steal an answer, but because he's so far away from the board and he's not exactly amazing at the Korean language, he wasn't able to make anything out.

Feeling sorry for the anxious boy, Changbin began to scribble something onto a paper. He wasn't gonna stop Felix from talking in front of the class, but he could at least make sure the boy knew what he was talking about. Once he finished writing, he slid the paper over to Felix.

"Uh-" Felix was in the middle of stuttering before he noticed the note from his peripheral vision. Squinting down at the paper, trying to make sense of the Korean characters, Felix realized Changbin had given him the answer. The blonde looked over to Changbin, who was just spinning his pencil around his finger and staring at the clock. Felix looked back at the note, wetting his chapped lips before reciting the note to the class.

The teacher accepted the answer and moved on to another student, allowing Felix to release the breath he was holding in and sit back down. He snapped his head to Changbin, narrowing his eyes as the dark boy responded with a sly grin, doodling in his notebook. He didn't even have to look over at Felix to know he was glaring daggers at him.

"That wasn't so bad," Changbin teased, not sparing Felix a glance, "You mispronounced some words and stuttered a lot but you got through it."

"Why couldn't you just do it?" Felix whined, still flustered and embarrassed from speaking aloud, "I'm not good at stuff like this."

Changbin just hummed in response, unconvinced. He wasn't finished teasing Felix just yet though, "It was literally a question about the government, everyone knows these things. Not only that but it just asking about your opinion on it."

"It's not easy for foreigners. Imagine if you moved to Australia and was asked to answer a question about their government," Felix responded, providing answers to the questions Changbin had wrote in his notebook. He made a mental note to jot down the answers later.

"Australia?" Changbin asked, hoping to learn more about Felix. The more things he learned, the more he could add to his trusty notebook, "I guess that means you're fluent in English then."

"Yeah, no duh," Felix responded smartly, before realizing what he did. Had he just been speaking casually? To a stranger? Felix looked over to Changbin, who didn't seem to mind Felix's sarcasm. The blonde wondered how this boy managed to make him so comfortable with him in just a few minutes.

The duo didn't speak to each other for the rest of the lecture. Changbin would continue to doodle while Felix tried sneaking glances at his cellphone. Between the two, they were silent until just a few minutes before their class ended.

"Hey Changbin," Felix called out as the teacher wrapped up the lesson. Changbin hummed in response, allowing Felix to continue, "You're a real jerk, you know that."

Changbin chuckled, feeling somewhat proud that the same kid who came to the class acting shy and apologetic was calling him a jerk. Normally it would be rude to call someone that, but Changbin took it as a compliment. He had managed to bring out Felix's true self and was proud about that. Changbin didn't have any intentions of doing so, but after speaking with Felix, he couldn't help himself. "I know."

The bell to dismiss class echoed throughout the classroom, students immediately shoving their belongings into their backpacks and leaving the classroom as quick as possible. Felix stood up as Changbin continued to put his notebook away, "See you around."

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