Chapter 19

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The next twenty minutes of class went by very slow. Granted a class about government is going
to go by slow no matter what you may be doing. Any chance he could, Changbin would sneak a
glance at Felix.
“Alright everybody, we are going to continue our discussion from last class. But instead of
talking about what your opinion is on our government, talk about what you would do to improve
it,” the teacher said. She walked back over to her desk and sat down. That alone was a sign this
conversation is supposed to take a while.
Slowly, Changbin and Felix turned towards each other. “You can talk about the government if
you want, but I won’t know how to carry on the conversation,” Felix said. Crossing his legs, he
leaned back in his chair and stared at Changbin. “So, what would you change about it?” He
After thinking for a moment, Changbin gave Felix a surprisingly long response. “I mean, the
government isn’t awful, but any government can be improved in some way.” Changbin said
ending his response. Waiting for Felix’s response, Changbin thought that he spoke too much.
Nodding slowly, Felix tried to understand what Changbin just said. “Ummm… I’m not exactly
sure what you said. So, I’m just going to nod and pretend I do.” He said.
Changbin couldn’t help but laugh at the younger boy. “Sorry, I forgot that you weren’t from
here.” He said. After Changbin said that, Felix smiled widely. He smacked Changbin’s shoulder.
“How could you just forget that I’m a foreigner. Isn’t that an important thing to know about
someone?” Felix said. The two boys laughed at each other. The classroom was rather loud, so
not many people could hear them.
Finally, the two boys calmed down. “How can you forget that someone is from a different
country?” Felix asked. It wasn’t that he was mad, just that he was surprised.
It was now Changbin’s turn to smack Felix. “Hey! I just meet you yesterday. I’m allowed to
forget somethings.” He retorted.
“Okay fine. But now I expect you to remember that I’m a foreigner.” Felix said while rubbing his
Noises coming from downstairs woke Seungmin. He looked around, but didn’t see Hyunjin.
Last night, the duo had a movie night, but Seungmin was too tired to go back home. He was
also too lazy to even walk up the stairs to Hyunjin’s room. The best option for him was to just
sleep on the couch, so that’s what he did. Even though Hyunjin could have gone up to his bed,
he decided to stay with Seungmin.
Gradually, Seungmin got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. He was expecting to see
Hyunjin, but instead it was his mom. “Oh, hello Mrs. Hwang.” Seungmin said still half asleep.
Turning around, Mrs. Hwang smiled at Seungmin. “Hi sweetie. Hyunjin went to his first hour. He
said he would be back soon.” She said. Many high schooler’s parents wouldn’t be too thrilled
about their kid skipping school. But Hyunjin’s mom didn’t care because her son actually had
decent grades.
Sitting done at the counter, Seungmin smiled back at her. “Okay. Don’t you have work today?”
He asked to keep the conversation going. As he was still tired, Seungmin rested his head down
on the counter.
“Yeah, but I saw that you were still asleep and figured you would be hungry when you woke up.
So, I made you some eggs,” Mrs. Hwang said. She plated the eggs and slid the plate over to
him. “I’m going to go finish getting ready. If you’re still hungry, help yourself to whatever.”
Mrs. Hwang walked out of the kitchen and upstairs. Seungmin ate his eggs in silence. After he
finished, he cleaned up his mess. Not knowing when Hyunjin would come back, Seungmin went
back into the living. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts to see if there
was anyone he felt like texting.
As he was scrolling a name passed by that Seungmin hadn’t seen a text from for a while. It was
his best friend Minho. Seungmin contemplated whether or not to text him. Minho was always
busy and never had time to talk or hang out. His finger hovered above his contact.
After quite a while of thinking, Seungmin decided to text him. Seungmin typed and retyped the
message more times than he could count. The final text read, “Hey, are you free? If so want to
hang out?” Seungmin sent the text, but didn’t expect to get an answer.
He was about to set his phone down when he saw that the text had already been read.
Seungmin had a small spark of hope that Minho would reply. Just then, the three dots that show
that the other person is typing popped up.
“Yeah, I’m free. Want to get lunch?” The text from Minho said.
When Seungmin read the text, a smile instantly broke out on his face. He hasn’t been able to
see Minho since he graduated last year. It wasn’t because they didn’t want to hang out, but
because Minho got an internship right after he graduated.
The two friends talked for a while. They talked about what’s been going on in their lives and just
catching up. They also talked about where they would go for lunch. They decided on going to
the old pizzeria and that Jisung and Hyunjin would go with them.
Hyunjin only went to school for first hour. It’s the only class that he doesn’t have with Seungmin
that he enjoys. Even though he enjoys the class, half the time there is no reason for him to go.
The only thing he needs to go for is the occasional test and to turn in assignments.
Photo is also the only class that Hyunjin ever tries in without Seungmin’s help. He studies for
the tests and turns the work in on time.
It was taking longer for him to get home, because as he was walking home, he found what he
wanted to photograph. On his way to school there is a park with a small pond in the center.
Upon further inspection, Hyunjin saw that there was a family of ducks swimming around.
After taking the pictures, Hyunjin continued home. It would take him another ten minutes to get
home by walking.

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