Chapter 8: Trial by Battle

Start from the beginning

Once everyone grabbed their assigned case, I walked to field Beta with All Might-sensei. "Sensei, what did you need to talk about?"

"First of all, why didn't you give in your costume application?" 

"Well, my kitsune form already comes with battle gear and I could just ask Hestia-sama to form clothes for me on the go. Plus, the suit wouldn't be of any use once I used a physiology quirk so why bother with one when I technically have one at all times."

"Fair enough, but you went out again without telling anyone about this."

"You want the short answer or my life story?"

"We have some time, share just a bit of your life story."

"I grew up around a family of heroes who would do anything to help those in need. So since I was quirkless, I was made fun of by my peers because they had literally any quirk and used it to harm me in any way they could. When I came home from those times, my cousins, aunts, Kaa-san, and basically any female related to me took care of me until there weren't any kind of problems."

"Seems like they really cared for you, but I've never heard you talk about any of your male relatives. Plus your quirk manifested when you were around 4, so how'd they know you were quirkless?"

"I had the extra toe joint and I still have it so my family doubted I had a quirk until I showed them. But most of my male relatives were killed by villains due to my family being married to those they loved for their personality, not their quirk or looks, but now only one uncle that is alive with the other males have gone to a hopefully better place."

"That might explain why you don't react to Midnight's quirk, as hers mainly deals with pheromones and someone's lust."

"Either way, my family still worries me about dying to gain a quirk and they were the reason why I had to make everyone believe I was quirkless. So the rest of my life has been spent working at a cafe and taking care of whatever family that was around me. Other than that you probably know, but I always admired my family for holding another person's life above their own and once quirks became a common thing for everyone, they made it a tradition to uphold that ideal. That's kind of why I have tried to save people even without any form of license."

"Quite interesting, but hopefully that ideal holds true for your whole life." He said as we arrived at the field where everyone was already waiting.

Field B

"You all look great! Now our exercise will be a trial by battle and your teams will be decided by a lottery. Your teams will consist of a 2-person hero team against a 2-person villain team." All Might-sensei said as everyone took a team letter and I got team B by myself.

"Now that you're in teams, I'll explain the goal for each team. The Hero team needs to capture the villains with this capture tape or some other way that would work. But they can also touch the bomb to win. While the villains can capture the heroes or stall until the match is over. With each match being 10 minutes, I'll have my peers watch the matches and interfere if deemed necessary."

"With that said," Midnight-sensei said out of nowhere. "Let's start with dealing some punishment *Cue Sadistic Smile*, Team B as the hero versus team A and E as the villains."

"Midnight-sensei, I will kill you," I say with a dark aura coming from my body.

"Reconsider... please," she said while hiding behind All Might-sensei.

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