The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me [ 30 ]

Start from the beginning

“Nope, too bad. Should’ve been listening, nerd.”

I slapped his arm, “Reece! Don’t be mean! I hate it when people do that!”

The boys laughed, clearly enjoying my frustration. Reece had that cheeky glint in his eyes, “Hmm, I don’t know…” he trailed, as if he were in thought, “maybe if you used the magic word…I might tell you.”

Magic word? Really? What was he, five years old?

I raised a brow, confused, “Uh, please?”

Reece pretended to be disappointed, but his mischievous smirk never left his face. “That’s not the magic word.”

I thought hard. Genuinely curious as to what he was asking me about before.

Magic word…magic word…


“Now, now, Chloe. Did you forget the magic word?” Reece leered, teasing me by holding me further down until I made a 70° slant with the grassy ground.

“Reece! HAHA Oh my God. Get me up! PLEASE.” I cried with a smile plastered on my face. He was so going to pay for this.

Reece laughed and brought me back up, sliding his hand around my waist to support me. Instinctively, I clung both arms around his neck, hanging onto him like my life depended on it. I felt Reece’s chest vibrate as he let out a series of laughter, which I only returned with a death stare.

“You know, the magic word wasn’t actually ‘please’. It was--

I snorted. “Haha, no, I’m not saying that.”

“Why? You and I both know it’s true.” He winked.

A moment of silence passed as I examined his face, a small smirk tugging at his soft pink lips. My eyes flickered away before I got too distracted and focused on Jake and Jayden’s excited expressions, as well as Valentino, who looked as if he was going to tell me any moment now. Even Dennis looked kind of pumped.

I rolled my eyes, before sighing in defeat. The curiosity was killing me.

“Reece is sexy.”  I mumbled.

Reece cupped the back of his ear, pretending that he was hearing impaired. “Sorry, what? I didn’t quite get that, babe. Might want to say that a little louder.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Reece is sexy.” I said quietly, but still audible and clear.

Valentino snickered.

“Sorry, princess. I didn’t catch that either, all well, it seems like you don’t want to know…”

“Reece is sexy, Goddammit!”

A moment of silence passed before the boys began howling with laughter, their wolf whistles flooding my ears.

“Ooh, Flir-tay.” Reece teased.

I punched his arm dejectedly, “I hate you.”

He shook his head and laughed, before shooting me a wink, “You love me.” 

I rolled my eyes again, “So are you going to tell me what you were talking about before?”

Reece crossed his arms behind his head, and leaned against the car door, “Jayden, wanna do the honors?

My eyes flickered over to Jayden, who smirked as he held a black bag.

“Well,” he began, “doing something illegal is part of your bucket list, yeah?”

Oh oh. I did not like where this was going.

“Yeah…” I admitted quietly, worried about what they were planning, “so?”

Jayden winked at me, before unzipping the bag, and revealing cans upon cans of spray paint.

“Vandalism, anyone?”

It took me a moment to register everything in my head, before my eyes widened in total disbelief. “You have got to be kidding me. “

Oh but they weren’t. Because these were the bad boys of Prescott Private we were talking about.

They don’t kid, they create chaos.

And so, the next thing I knew, we were at the back of the gas station, where the plain brick walls acted as our canvas. Reece was beside me, with a black can in his hands. He care-freely threw away the lid and began creating his masterpiece.

The rest of the boys followed his actions, and in seconds, the once ordinary dirty-yellow wall, was covered with colourful graffiti.

“Come on, nerd, make your mark.” 

I took one last look into Reece's playful eyes, before opening the cap to the cherry-red spray paint that I was currently holding in my shaky hands.

And with that, I mentally crossed off yet another thing on my bucketlist.



Writers block is a bitch. This chapter took me ages to write, but that's okay, because the next one's going to be full of Reece x Chloe, and a whole lot of...Ashton DeVille.
Oops. I've said too much. Hehehe (;

So, what's new guys? How 'you all doing? <3
Well, right now I'm trying to get my guy best friend a present for his birthday. And it's so hard because he's a guy, and because he's not a girl, because if he was, it would have been so much easier, but no, he's a guy...a really guy-ish guy. Fml.


P.S - Please check out my short story, Devoted, (the link's in the external link, or just go on my profile). I'm entering it in the Watty Awards for Short Story so please VOTE! :D

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