Day 5: A Stranger

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Dear Stranger,

Well this is you come here much...what's up with airplane food?

How's life going? I hope it's good for you. I hope you're doing everything you want to be doing and that you know what you want and you're getting it. I really hope you don't go for Collingwood.

Maybe we should talk sometime. Wouldn't it be cool if you knew every single person in the whole world? If no one was a stanger? Or maybe things would be less mysterious then. Maybe it's more fun when you sit next to a person on a bus and wonder who they are and what they do with their lives. Isn't life cool? Its kind of like fan fiction--my friend always says that. She's like "Life is like fan fiction because we get to do with our lives whatever the hell we want--we can even screw them up if we want--but we didn't get to pick the characters or the situation." I think that's really cool and I wish I could make up quotes like that.

Well, since we're trying to be friends now (right?) let me tell you something: whatever you do in life make sure you watch movies. It doesn't matter what type, even if all you ever watch is Eddie Murphy movies on repeat, just watch movies. They make life better and they change people. Spend the cash and go to the cinema, it will make you a better person. And if you can--make it an old cinema. One of those old-fashioned ones with the ticket booths and choc tops that are lopsided. Or IMAX. IMAX is good too.

Here's a list of movies you should have seen already (and if you haven' know what to do):


--Saving Private Ryan

--The Social Network (Triv would kill me if I didn't put that here)


--Citizien Kane

--Harry Brown

--Scott Pilgrim VS The World (for the quoting rights alone)

--2001 a space odysessy (if you are going to choose any, make it this one)



--The Dark Knight (but seriously, who hasn't seen that?)

--All of the Godfather movies



--The good, the bad and the ugly

--Battle Royale

--The Other Guys

That's a very incomplete list right there. That's just what I watch on one weekend alone (kidding...kind of).

So, now that I've lectured you about your movie life, let me tell you something about friends. Keep them. Don't fuck with them. And let's be them. (Wow, now I really sound like I'm coming onto you, you hot stranger you).

That's all I have to say for now. Don't do drugs...without me.

From your new BFF Zed

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