xxxxxxviii. groupchat

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7 members

🎉👍🏼indigo is the best dad ever👍🏼🎉

fatherjonah👨🏻: taylor is in
san diego?

she lives here you dumbass

tae💕: 👋🏽

spaghetti🍝: hey taylor

tae💕: hi jack

son👶🏻: things be getting

shush son

dani💜: im confusion

fatherjonah👨🏻: why didn't
you tell us you lived here?

tae💕: it's for school🤷🏽‍♀️

fatherjonah👨🏻: why didn't
you tell me either, indie?

bean🌯: he's using proper

gotta blast💥😬

fatherjonah👨🏻: 🤦🏽‍♂️

tae💕: i'm sorry...i thought you knew

fatherjonah👨🏻: 🤨

tae💕: okay. i knew you didn't

i just thought it wasn't important

fatherjonah👨🏻: it is.

forget it. we'll talk over
coffee tomorrow. i'll text you

tae💕: 👍🏼

son👶🏻: nice..

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