xvii. @indie.evans

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@indie.evans: i suck. i know.



user1 aw no what happened?

hater1 yeah we know

user2 what did Daniel do?

user3 sad, but still adorable babes

imzachherron where are you dad? i miss you:(

user4 aww poor zachy.

hater2 pls kys

hater3 i just threw up in my mouth a little

hater4 just go away

hater5 leave Marcy and Daniel be you ugly bish

hater6 🤢🤢🔫

jackaverymusic bubs you are amazing. please come back home<3

hater7 someone get this girl in rehab

corbynbesson you deserve the world you amazing human bean

hater8 delete yourself pls

hater9 can you just die already

hater10 f you

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