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(Welp, if I wrote about angst I'd just continue to cry so here's some fluff I guess, I mean, not extreme fluff but at least not pure angst^)
(This chapter is a little shorter than usual, sorry about that, I'll try and get another chapter out soon^^)

Roman bit his lip in anticipation as the Uber car pulled away, looking with wide, puppy-dog eyes at his car as it slowly got smaller the more distance that they made.

Virgil tapped Roman on the shoulder and Roman looked over with a frown before he saw Virgil smiling.

Virgil had his phone in his hand so Roman assumed he had just texted him, reminding him to set his phone from silent to vibration since he couldn't really, well, hear the ringtone.

Roman pulled his phone out to see that, indeed, Virgil had texted him.

Virgil: It'll Be Okay

Roman: I guess...but what if someone steals it?

Virgil: I'm not just talking about the car, doofus, I'm talking about everything...things are tense but it'll be okay

Roman: Change is hard

Virgil: Yeah...but with you I'll manage

Roman: Wow, this is coming from the emo nightmare

Virgil: Wooooow

Roman snickered.

Roman: I'm kidding- but you used to just make sarcastic and/or sly remarks ALL THE TIME, and that was it

Virgil: What can I say?

Roman: -Except you're welcome

"Oh my god." Virgil rolled his eyes.

Roman saw the eye-roll and smirked.

Virgil looked up slightly to see the smirk and let out a small pout but couldn't help smiling just slightly.

"How close are we to-" Virgil paused before turning to his phone again.

Virgil: How close are we to your house?

Roman: About an hour

Virgil: WTF

Virgil's eyes widened as he looked at Roman in disbelief, in which Roman replied with a laugh.

Virgil looked away quickly as his face grew red. One of Virgil's favorite things about Roman was his voice, and now he hardly got to hear it, or hear it in its natural state that is, but Roman's laugh had stayed the same and it drove the other crazy. Virgil loved Roman's laugh but being who Virgil was, he didn't easily admit enjoying anything, so he brushed it off by looking out the window. He found it marveling that Roman was still able to laugh despite losing his hearing, as he didn't like using his voice at all because it came out scratchy and pitchy as he was unable to hear it, however, he couldn't contain a laugh sometimes and his laugh was the one pure thing that was still there from Roman's old voice...Virgil adored it.

A buzz from Virgil's phone snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked down at his phone to see a reply from Roman.

Roman: I'm kidding, if that were true I wouldn't be in the perimeter of the School District

Virgil: True. So how close are we actually?

Roman: We should be there in maybe...two minutes?

Virgil: Oh nice

Roman: Oh you'll be sleeping in my room by the way

Virgil jumped a little as his face grew hot again, forcing himself to not glance at Roman to see if he was joking or not. Instead he decided to play it dumb for now.

Virgil: Where will you sleep then?

Roman: In my room as well...?

Virgil let out a small squeak and, for once, was glad Roman couldn't hear him.

Virgil's face continued to burn a bright red before the car began to come to a halt and then a complete stop.

Roman rapped Virgil on the shoulder but Virgil simply nodding curtly and opened his own door, swiftly heading out before slamming his door shut and turning around, though he soon found himself stunned when he saw Roman's house.

"Holy hell..." Virgil gasped.

Roman grinned as he approached Virgil, standing beside him.

"You live in a fucking mansion..." Virgil felt like he was choking up.

Roman glanced at him, not needing words to see that Virgil was stunned.

In front of Virgil stood a tall, White House with borders of gold and an almost too green-grass lawn.

Roman kissed Virgil lightly on the head before heading to the trunk of the car and beginning to unload Virgil's boxed things.

"Why are we sharing a room if this place is so- humongous...?" Virgil murmured to himself.

Roman was already walking up the driveway that led to a garage as big as Virgil's old house.

Virgil stared at him as he went, and only one thought crossed his mind...

If this was what Roman's life was like, if these were his standards...

What the hell was Roman doing with him?

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