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TW: Harm, abuse, panic-attacks, homophobic/transphobic slang
//I'm sorry in advance//

The boys stared at the pair of parents for what felt like an eternity until Mrs.Princeton let out a sharp sigh, "We took you in...we fed you, clothed you- gave you a room for the lord's good sake!" She sounded exasperated, "A-and you respond with deciding to become some- some faggot?!"

Virgil stiffened and felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes, feeling actually a tad bit guilty. He then simply looked at the ground with a shaky expression, lips pursed together.

Roman was obviously bothered by this and shot a glare at his mom, "That was uncalled for!"

"Oh and my precious boy..." Mrs.Princeton gasped, holding a hand to her mouth, "He got to you, didn't he? He tried to convert you?"

Roman's eyes widened, looking astonished that his own mother was saying this.

Mr.Princeton piped up finally, putting a firm hand on his son's shoulder, "Don't worry, boy- we'll fix you up."

"Fix me?!" Roman scoffed, "What is there that needs fixing!?"

"Well, honey...don't think we didn't see those bills coming in for the surgery...we were hoping you would tell us yourself, and- we didn't know why you wouldn't but..." Mrs.Princeton's voice turned bitter, "I see the kind of influence you had now."

"There is nothing wrong with Virgil!" Roman gritted his teeth, "He's fine!"

"She's fooling you." Mr.Princeton sniffed nonchalantly, "She's been trickling you to believe-"

"He, father, Virgil identifies with he him." Roman was fuming.

"Identities are just for attention, sweetie-"

This is when tears slipped from Virgil's eyes, and Roman visibly noticed, it shattering his heart before he growled, looking at his mother, "Can't you see that you're hurting him!?"

Roman's mother simply rolled her eyes, "I'm not caring for a lying tranny,

Roman's breathing was off before his father grabbed his shoulders, "Son, calm down, we'll get you to a camp and get this dyke out of here as soon as possible- you'll be good as new!"

Roman's face turned dark, a look Virgil had never seen on him before. He then looked at the boy who was sobbing into his hand. Roman put a gentle hand on Virgil's shoulder, "Go pack your things. Okay?"

Virgil sniffled, wanting to object but soon Roman removed his hand and shut the door in Virgil's face, leaving him alone in his room.

Instantly, Virgil heard yelling outside the door- but he blocked it out with his will to simply pack, because whatever was happening, Roman had never sounded more serious. All his important papers, memorabilia, everything he could grab he was packing into the boxes that were still partially packed from is procrastination in unpacking them between the time he moved here and now.
It seemed like a blur, the time before now all the way up to this very moment- it was unreal...Romans parents had been so nice to him...they'd treated him like their own son, they'd...loved him..
They couldn't have loved him- if they did, they wouldn't be doing this- they did love Roman, though...
Virgil sighed as he looked at the few boxes in front of him. He felt his heart rate suddenly increase and stumbled back so that he was sitting down, taking in shaky breathes.

Roman could hear.
He could hear what his parents were saying- geez, isn't that handy, great timing right there...

The yelling was muted now, sounding muffled through the door with three voices screaming at the same time.

For some time, Virgil had toyed with the thought of telling the Princetons about how he identified, not exactly believing Roman when he claimed they wouldn't accept him- he hadn't believed it until now...

[Some Months ago...]

All I'm saying, is that I think they're warming up to me- if I just tell them that I like boys, then-

They won't accept you. Roman signed simply from where he sat on the edge of Virgil's bed with him.

You don't know that

I do though


I came out to them..

Virgil looked confused, You never told me that?

It wasn't important.

Sounds pretty important.

They said it was a phase. Roman shrugged.

Virgil frowned, I'm sorry- but, it could be worse, my mom-

They hit me.

Virgil was quiet, looking utterly shocked, "...What?" He shook his head, realizing Roman couldn't hear him, What?

I argued and they hit me, slapped me over the cheek- it's what they do when I talk about those things... Roman was looking at the ground.

Virgil stared in absolute horror.


Virgil sighed, the fighting outside the door still sounding as toxic as ever. He hadn't believed that Roman's parents had actually hurt him...they couldn't...they just-

The yelling had stopped.
The door opened.

And Virgil was wrong.

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