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Virgil's adrenaline instantaneously kicked in, "What?" He felt like Vomiting.

Roman couldn't hold back a small choking noise as his phone went silent.

"H-ow?" Virgil shook his head in confusion, How?

Roman shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut before letting out a shaky breath and then looking up at Virgil, It's the number to the prison he's in. I know he's on the other end of the line.

Oh god. Virgil's eyes widened before he closed his eyes and took in a breath, this is really hard, but we can't panic.

How the hell am I to not panic right now? Roman could hardly sign as his hands had begun to tremble, I can't deal with this. I can't do this I-

Virgil put a hand over Roman's.

You aren't doing anything. We are. Virgil gave a small smile, the most he could muster right now.

Roman began to nod before shaking his head and taking his hand away Whatever he wants, I'm not putting you through.

Well, only one of us can hear the person on the other line... Virgil pointed out.

Roman couldn't argue with this but he didn't want to reply either, instead he scooted back until his back rested on the bed frame and he let out a few breaths he had been holding. His head was pounding, he had the prison's number logged into this phone for this exact reason, so he knew not to answer, he wasn't sure how he would answer, literally, it wasn't like he had some-

Roman looked up at Virgil.


Roman groaned, though he had to admit that this was both his problem as much was it was Virgil's...and there was hardly a way around this...he had to call back and-

The phone began to wring again.

This could be Roman's only chance.

Roman quickly looked up at Virgil who gave him an expecting gaze in return.

Translate for me. Roman let out a small whimper.

If you're sure. Virgil took the phone and put his other hand on Roman's knee as he moved to sit down in front of him.

I'm not but I'm ready as I'll ever be. Roman nodded.

Okay. Virgil answered the call and put it on speaker phone so he could hear it better.

"...Hello?" Virgil's voice was quiet as he answered.

There was silence.
And then-

"Roman?" Tom's voice was quiet as well.

Roman's breath hitched.


Roman's eyes widened in protest as Virgil answered as him.

"Wow, you actually answered." Tom scoffed.
Wow, you actually answered.

Roman rolled his eyes, tapping nervously as his knee where Virgil's hand had just been and was now absent as it signed for him.

"Well, I didn't have much of a choice." Virgil muttered bitterly.
Well, I didn't have much of a choice.

"I really was almost certain you'd just hang up like usual."

Virgil paused at this, what did he meant by usual?

Well? Roman urged Virgil to translate.

Virgil nodded, he says 'I was...certain you'd hang up'

Roman nodded.

"Well, I didn't..." Virgil replied with a sigh.
Well I didn't.

"A good thing too." Tom purred.
A good thing too.

"What do you want, Tom?" Virgil huffed.
What do you want?

"Can't an old friend catch up with another?"
Can't a dick catch up?

"I wouldn't use the term friend." Virgil glared down at his feet.

"Neither would it, but it does ruffle you, doesn't it, Virgil?"
Neither would it, but it does ruffle you-

Roman stiffened up.

Virgil set his hand down, "How'd you know it was me?"

"I know what my previous lover sounds like." Tom's smirk could practically be heard over the line.

"Roman has never been your lover." Virgil's gritted his teeth.

What's he saying!? Roman began to panic.

Virgil shook his head for Roman's hands to be quiet.

"Suit yourself, but we did some wild things in that costume room~" Tom cackled.

"You stage-kissed? Wow, what an accomplishment." Virgil replied.

"He enjoyed it." Tom claimed.

"Did not." Virgil argued.

"Do you even know what that boy-"

"I swear to god, I'm going to hang up on you." Virgil was fuming.

"-Oh, sorry, I forgot, you wouldn't know, he can't speak anymore, can he?" Tom replied in an innocent tone.

"SHUT UP, THOMAS!" Virgil screamed into the phone.

Roman flinched and put a hand on Virgil's shoulder, You're letting him get to you?

Virgil didn't respond to Roman but instead turned away, continuing to talk to Tom, "Who's fault is that?"

"I'd say the one who slipped on the ice before he could get to his boyfriend." Tom suggested.

This hit Virgil hard in the chest and he felt like someone was stepping on his heart.

"It's not my fault he's got such weak ears." Tom chuckled.

Virgil's breathing was picking up with anger.

"I'm glad I've got a legacy though, for what it's worth."

"You're FUCKED UP, IN THE HEAD, REECE!" Tears collected in the corner of Virgil's eyes.

"Sounds like I've fucked you up more than I myself am fucked u-"

"How the hell do you justify ever loving Roman? You never loved him, did you? At all? It was all some act? Congratulations Tom, you put on some show!" Virgil allowed to set the tears free.

There was silence on the other end.
Silence for awhile.
And then laughter.

This made Virgil hang up and throw the phone down on the bed, absolutely steaming.

Roman looked at Virgil confused and reached a hand towards the other's face to brush away the tears.

"Just- STOP! I don't need your pity!" Virgil yelled as he slapped Roman's hand away, getting up and storming out of the room.

Roman was left alone in the now empty room, unsure of what exactly just happened, but entirely sure that it was Tom's fault.

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