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okay so, this chapter holds a semi big plot element- anyone want to guess it? Y'all aren't ready for this, but here we go- and it's not the obvious one, there's two because why not ;)
Okay maybe a few will guess and that's fine, just don't spoil if ya' know, ya' know?
TW: Panic Attacks, Nightmares- everything in between, homophobia/all of the above
Y'all aren't ready- I'm not ready-

Virgil tapped a slightly impatient foot, he'd been waiting for Roman outside of the grocery store for nearly an hour, unable to see what the other was buying for his Birthday Surprise and he couldn't enter the store either as Roman didn't want the surprise spoiled if he saw anything.
Then, there was a tap on Virgil's shoulder and he turned to see a grinning Roman with two full bags of groceries.

Virgil shook his head with a chuckle, "Let's go." He nodded back towards the house's direction, taking Roman's free hand in his before he heard a familiar call of,

Virgil instantly let go of Roman's hand as a car pulled up next to them, startling Roman who clung to Virgil's side, causing the smaller boy to blush as he grinned awkwardly, "Hi, Patton..."

"Aw, you two are he sweetest! Hey, so, I was going to run an errand but you two gay lovers obviously look like you need a ride somewhere- unless you want to walk and be all lovey dovey, which is awesomely okay too but-"

"That'd be great Patton." Virgil chuckled as he hopped into the backseat, holding the door open and nodding for Roman to get in.

Roman placed the grocery bags on the floor of the car before sliding in beside Virgil, slamming the door shut.

"Let's go!" Patton squeaked, heading towards Roman's house, "So, what're you guys doing at the store? I thought Roman had people do that stuff or something?"

Virgil nodded, "Usually," He took notice of the needy boy beside him trying to slip his fingers in with Virgil's until Virgil finally gave in and laced their fingers together, "But Roman wanted to get some stuff for a birthday surprise for m-"

Patton slammed on the breaks, "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY?!" He screeched before Virgil nodded with a sheepish grin.

Patton instantly turned the car around.

"Um...where are we headed?" Virgil questioned.

"We're getting you ice cream."

Virgil signed to Roman to inform him of the change in plans and Roman begrudgingly agreed.

"Dairy Queen it is!" Patton giggled.


After the trio was filled up on ice cream, Roman leaning on Virgil's shoulder and Patton driving like an actual, law-abiding citizen, they reached Roman's house.

"Thanks, Pat." Virgil nodded, getting out of the car and having to instantly friend zone Roman while in sight of his parents who were inside at the dining room table.

Roman grabbed his grocery bags and waved goodbye to Patton who saluted before speeding down the street, one door open before he reached over and slammed it shut.

Virgil chuckled before nodding to Roman, wishing more than anything he could grab the other's hand, but with Roman's parents in sight, that wasn't an option.

Virgil calmly walked inside with Roman on his heels, stopping to look to Mr. and Mrs. Princeton who gave him a friendly smile.

Mrs.Princeton got up, "Are you two dears fine? Got all your food bought?"

Virgil nodded, "Yep, all the food." He smiled awkwardly.

"Good, good." Mrs.Princeton smiled as she sat down, "Oh, Virgil dear, I need your birth certificate by the way, since your father didn't register you this year and we're your adoptive parents, the school needs confirmation of your date of birth, could you grab that for us?" Mrs.Princeton seemed unfazed by this as she picked up the news paper, signing the same question so Roman understood what was going on, having practiced a bit with her husband for their son.

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