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[Just a reminder that this book is a sequel to my other book 'Shine and be mine' so please go check that book out first if you haven't already!]


TW: Panic Attacks

"Blow out the candles!"

(Over text) Yes, please do, then you can pack your bags!

"Always in a rush."

Patton, Roman, and Logan crowded around Virgil where he sat in a chair with a small desk, in a small room before quickly letting out a strong puff of air to blow out the eighteen candles that were neatly stuck into the cake in front of me.

The three behind Virgil began to cheer, other than Logan, who clapped instead, though he smiled just a tad bit whilst doing so.

Patton giggled, "What'd you wish for?"

Virgil stared at the cake before smiling, "Well, if I told you, it wouldn't come true."

"It won't come true anyway, but..." Logan cleared his throat.

"Ah, hush, logic-pants, you didn't even know what I wished for." Virgil smirked.

"Maybe not, but calculations show you wished for..." Logan paused, "Well, for Roman to receive his hearing once again."

Virgil flinched, nodding slightly.

"Logan!" Patton hissed, slapping the other lightly on the shoulder.

"What? I only speak of facts." Logan shrugged.

"Yeah, well...you're right." Virgil nodded.

Roman frowned as he was left in the dark of their conversations, once again...he was able to lip read some things, things that were stared a lot around him, such as his name, Roman, which he had seen mouthed one or two times...he then noticed a frown on Virgil's face and felt his heart ache as he was unable to know at this moment what was troubling his loved one; so, he quickly grabbed for his phone.

Roman: Hey, how about we go pack your stuff? Otherwise you may just get kicked out by the head-master

Virgil looked down at his phone and smiled before looking at Roman.

Roman's heart melted at his lover's smile, he adored it almost as much as he adored Virgil himself- and now...now he could finally see that smile everyday!

Since Virgil had been admitted out of the hospital, he had been sent to a child-care facility, where we would be taken care of with a numerous amount of other children until he reached the age of eighteen, where he could either be taken into temporary foster care until a college took him, or live with a friend or relative of his decision and of that person's decision.

Virgil's decision was immediately Roman, so, effective as of today, Virgil would be living with Roman in his household.

Roman had been begging his parents for month to allow this, and they finally did, under the circumstances that Virgil shared a room with Roman as to not take up all that much space- and this was completely fine with Roman.

However, an issue was, Roman's parents hadn't the slightest idea that he and Virgil were a couple.
Or that Roman liked the same gender at all.

Despite this, Roman was excited to now be sharing living-arrangements with Virgil, and since Roman had been hospitalized for some time, he would have to retake senior year, which would normally be a bummer, but since Virgil was now a senior, they could be together at school.

Initially, Virgil would have had to retake junior year if foster care hadn't taken him, but since they had, they were now to start school together in just a week...

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