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TW: Abuse, Harm, Panic-Attacks, transphobia, homophobia, I'm sorry guys—

Virgil looked in horror as Roman walked in with tears in the corner of his eyes, shutting the door at a surprisingly quiet tone and moving to Virgil's boxes, grabbing three out of the five, "Come on, it's time to go." He simply stated.

"Let me see your face..." Virgil whispered.

Roman's back was facing him.


Roman turned to Virgil, staring at the ground.

The skin on the left side of his cheek had a red hand-mark on it that was puffy, and his lip was split down the middle and bleeding- eye already forming a bruise.

Naturally, Virgil advanced forward and used the soft skin of his thumb to wipe the blood on the other boy's lip gently away before holding a hand to the burning skin lightly, causing Roman to wince and Virgil to hyperventilate. The skin was raw and warm- and Virgil was furious.

Virgil was a scared person by nature, never wanting confrontation- he hadn't even fought back when Tom had broken his leg- his leg- if it had been Roman's- well, he did slip on ice trying to get to him after all.
Virgil was a scared person by nature, never wanting confrontation-

Virgil was already out the door.

"Virgil!" Roman's voice was pleading from his room but Virgil was sprinting down stairs, hearing the stumbling footsteps of Roman attempting to run after him.

Virgil stopped at the bottom of the stairs, meeting the cold, accusing glare of Mr.Princeton and a sobbing Mrs.Princeton clinging to his arm.

Virgil's fists clenched.

"Get out of my house." Mr.Princeton hissed.

Virgil took a few steps closer, causing Mrs.Princeton to back away into the dining room, away from the front door they stood by.

"You hurt him... your SON..." Virgil's breathing was irregular.

"He was being irrational-"

"I think it's the other way around, buddy." Virgil was a few feet away from Mr.Princeton.

"I'm not allowing you to sass talk me in my own house, young lady." Mr.Princeton narrowed his gaze down at Virgil.

Virgil laughed, confusing Mr.Princeton.

Remember how Virgil was stronger than Roman?
Remember how Mr.Princeton hit Roman?

New memory- Mr.Princeton is about to get his ass kicked by an eighteen year old.

Virgil leapt forward, instantly pinning the man to the ground with a furious yell.

Mr.Princeton was taken off guard as Virgil put his knees on the other's shoulders, raising a fist and beginning to punch down hard on his face, left, "You-!" right, "Son-!" left, "Of a-!" bruise, "Bitch!" blood, "You hurt-!" bruise, "Your own-!" blood, "Son!" Mrs.Princeton is screaming but Virgil can't hear her. Another punch, "He's-!" he's spitting out blood, "my-!" another punch, he's starting to pass out, "boyfriend,-!"another punch, the screams get louder, "You-!" another punch, he's unconscious, another punch, "Asshol-!" there's hands on Virgil's shoulders that pull him back as Virgil realizes that the screams were Roman's as well.

Virgil is sobbing at this point as Roman lifts him up to his feet, yelling something about leaving as he ushered himself and Virgil out the door.

It was a blur, all of it, as Roman leapt into his parent's car, it being faster than his own with it being a retired race car. He then pushed Virgil into the passenger seat, trying to be gentle but trying to avoid the stumbling Mrs.Princeton after them.

Roman shut Virgil's door with a slam and hopped in his own seat, shutting that door as well as he drove out of the driveway and messily into the street- Mrs.Princeton attempting to chase after them as the car began to stall.

"Damn it!" Roman yelled as Mrs.Princeton slammed her hands on the bumper, clawing her way towards the window.

Virgil was trembling.

Roman then hit the gas over and over until it finally started and they sped down the street, causing Mrs.Princeton to fall in the street, ugly sobbing and yell-screaming at them as she slowly got smaller.

The only sounds now were the sounds of the wizzing surroundings of the boys and Roman sped down the street.

Virgil's eyes were rolling back and Roman was shaking beyond all control.

Virgil was in and out of consciousness but Roman had strapped himself and Virgil in tight so it was holding so far...

Roman couldn't believe what had just happened- and so fast too...

Virgil was struggling to stay conscious while Roman drove before he finally began to slow down after many twists and turns.

Virgil slowly began to see clearly again, and the first thing he saw was the quietly sobbing boy beside him, knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel, and face red for many reasons, but his eyes were more broken than Virgil had ever seen them.
Well, happy birthday to me then...

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