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Well, ....

Here we are...
The end...

TW: Panic attacks, gore, Jay realizing how dramatic her books are
Virgil screamed and ran towards Roman, heaving the boy into his lap before hearing a groan, "God damnit- where'd you get hit?" Virgil already had added all the people involved in the occurrence of this happening to his hit-list, excluding Logan and Patton.

"Shoulder..." Roman choked out, prompting Virgil to gently turn the boy over and see the sight of Roman's wound.

There was a dampened, filled ring of blood around a bullethole with deeply damaged flesh. The blood was pouring dramatically out of the wound and, Virgil being Virgil, he could only let out a muffled cry for help before passing out all together.

By the time Virgil woke up, he hissed in pain at the feeling of handcuffs tightly around his wrists. He felt cold and sore as he looked around with blurry eyes before they locked on a hunched over figure that sat a few feet away from him.

They were in a holding cell. It was gray. Logan sat on the corner of the cement bench that Virgil sat on the other end of, leaning against the wall.

And it hit him.

He recalled all of the events, and let out a muffled sound of desperation, instantly catching Logan's attention who then stared at Virgil in absolute bewilderment, a rare expression for the Logical boy.

"Wh-where is- where is he?" Virgil whispered.

"Patton or-" Logan saw the helplessness in Virgil's eyes and knew who he was talking about, looking down, he shook his head slightly, "I don't know.."

Virgil was done. Looking down at his bruised up fists that had punched and split against Mr.Princeton's face, he broke down, and, considering the bench was cramped and short, as he fell forward, he fell against Logan's shoulder, instantly clinging to the antisocial student and shaking.

Logan stiffened up...but...for the first time ever...

Virgil felt arms around him as he was held in a tight hug. He suddenly curled into a tighter ball as quiet tears streamed down his face before shaking his head and leaning away, quickly wiping away tears and breathing, "I'm- sorry- this isn't just a me problem- you probably don't get it so it's going to be awkward for you and-"

"I don't know what I'd have done if it had been Patton." Logan cut in quietly.

Virgil took a moment to look at the logical one who had taken his glasses off and had a hand over his eyes as he shook his head in confusion, putting a hand down. Virgil had never seen Logan without his glasses, and he felt like this wasn't uncommon for most.

"Where...is he?" Virgil sniffed.

"They shut me down- they got a GPS fracking from my phone and I knew- the moment I did, I hung up and sent Patton home...they didn't know he was there and I wasn't going to put him in harm's way."

"So he just...left?" Virgil frowned, it sounded uncharacteristic of Patton to run, that was Virgil's job.

"No...I told him I was redirecting you two to his home..." Logan stared at the ground, "The last thing I told to him...it was a lie..." he sounded shattered, "It's my fault that he'll most likely hate me after all this has come to set-"

"I let the most important thing in my life get shot." Virgil commented hoarsely.

Logan looked at Virgil, "You really care for him that much...this must be harming you immensely..."

"It's my fault..."

"Not exactly."

"I'm going to rot in jail knowing I may have killed the man I love." Virgil whispered.

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